
Communication with Stakeholders

1. Philosophy

JSR Group understands that fulfilling its responsibility to stakeholders will lead to a sustainable corporate organization, establishment of resilient systems, and value creation for stakeholders.

In our management policy, JSR Group specifies "Responsibilities toward Stakeholders," which expresses our responsibilities as a member of society. We are promoting approaches that contribute to all stakeholders, including customers/business partners, employees, society/environment and shareholders.

As a concrete guideline for fulfilling our responsibilities to stakeholders that is common throughout our global sites, we have established the JSR Group Principles of Corporate Ethics. Each employee is making approaches toward resolving challenges while valuing bi-directional dialogues with stakeholders, based on shared, fundamental values such as a corporate philosophy, management policy, behavioral guideline, etc.

2. Examples of Communication with Stakeholders

Stakeholder JSR Group's Responsibility Main Methods / Opportunities for Dialogue
Customers / Business Partners
  • Never cease to challenge changes and evolve, to support the diverse material needs of the ever-changing times.
  • Aim for sustainable improvement of customer satisfaction.
  • Approach all business partners with sincerity, and always continue maintaining fair and equitable business relations.
  • Continue considering the environment and society in supply chains.
  • Providing information through SDS (safety data sheet), website, etc.
  • Quality Assurance Support
  • Implementation of customer satisfaction surveys
  • Support of CSR surveys from customers
  • Received the 19th JPCA Award from the Japan Electronics Packaging and Circuits Association (JPCA)
Business Partners
  • Communication through purchasing activities such as Partner Awards
  • Support of CSR surveys from business partners
  • Feedback on CSR procurement survey results
  • Supplier hotline
  • Evaluate each employee based on fair standards.
  • Provide opportunities for employees to constantly challenge themselves.
  • Continue providing opportunities for employees to mutually recognize each others' personalities and diversity, and to flourish together.
  • Labor-Management council
  • Work interviews/Self-declaration
  • Commendation system
  • Employee awareness survey and employee engagement survey
  • Various training programs (stratified education, technical training, etc.)
  • Activities to promote sustainability and DE&I
Local / Society
  • As a responsible member of local society, continue carrying out business activities that take the environment and safety into consideration (responsible care).
  • Continue providing environment-conscious products that support the needs for global environmental conservation, including reduction of local environmental burdens.
  • Make efforts to reduce environmental burdens that are generated from the product lifecycle as a whole, and continue making considerations to the environment and safety.
  • Continue actively contributing to the preservation of biodiversity through business activities.
  • Community engagement sessions and plant tours
  • Volunteer activities in the community
  • Increased ratio of eco-friendly products
  • Promotion of environmental conservation activities
  • Utilization of green spaces at our plants/research centers
Shareholders / Investors
  • Create business opportunities through materials and aim to expand corporate value.
  • Constantly improve management efficiency.
  • Become a company that is trusted by shareholders, through highly-transparent and robust corporate management.