
Editorial Policy

1. Editing Concept

Where JSR Aims to Go

Under the corporate mission of “Materials Innovation - We create value through materials to enrich society, people and the environment,” JSR Group aims to build and maintain good relations with all of our stakeholders and become a trusted and indispensable corporate citizen. To this end, the Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable global environment and society by creating value through its corporate activity and based on this corporate mission.

Progress Report on Sustainability KPIs

Beginning in FY2022, JSR Group started disclosing our sustainability KPIs (“KPIs”) on our sustainability website. We chose to do this to help our stakeholders understand the initiatives we are taking to solve sustainability issues and the progress we are making. This report covers the progress made in FY2022.
Furthermore, we will continue to review our KPIs and targets as needed based on companywide policies, business strategy and world trends.

About this Website

The transfer of the Elastomers Business was completed as planned on April 1, 2022. This made FY2022 the first year of a new JSR built primarily around the Digital Solutions Business and Life Sciences Business. This report contains more information about not only JSR’s initiatives on a non-consolidated basis, but also those of its overseas Group companies.

We expanded and added messages from employees to the feature first began in 2022, entitled “JSR Sustainability at a Glance,” that describes JSR Group’s sustainability initiatives simply for stakeholders, students, and general readers.

At the Board of Directors Meeting held on June 26, 2023, a unanimous resolution was passed in support of the tender offer made by JICC-02 Co., Ltd. and to encourage shareholders, holders of stock acquisition rights and American depositary receipts to accept the tender offer made by JICC-02 Corporation.

JSR will become unlisted upon the completion of the tender offer, but information dissemination on this website will continue unchanged.

Messages from the Officer in Charge of Sustainability Promotion are posted as they were last year.

We also present related numerical data in the ESG Data section.

2. Positioning of Sustainability Site

The sustainability site offers comprehensive non-financial information about JSR Group. The site is provided with the approval of the Sustainability Promotion Committee.

Information Disclosure System and Target Readers
Information Disclosure System and Target Readers

3. Referenced Guidelines

  • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 / Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2012, Ministry of the Environment
  • Environmental Accounting Guidelines for Chemical Companies, Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA)
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards

4. Reporting Period, Reporting Frequency and Contact Points

  • Reporting period
    Sustainability website: contains the latest information
    Sustainability report (PDF): annual report covering the period from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023
    Some sections include activities conducted during other periods
  • Publication: November 2023
  • Contact points:

5. Reporting Boundary

(1) The Entire Report

JSR Group: 65 companies

  • JSR:
    Head Office, Yokkaichi Plant, Yokkaichi Research Center, Tsukuba Research Laboratories/Tsukuba Site, JSR-Keio University Medical and Chemical Innovation Center (JKiC), JSR Bioscience and informatics R&D center (JSR BiRD)
  • Group Companies:
    19 domestic Group companies, 45 overseas Group companies (Current as of March 31, 2023)

(2) Data on the Environment and Safety (RC Data)

JSR Group: 16 companies

JSR Corporation
Emulsion Technology Co., Ltd.
Japan Coloring Co., Ltd.
JSR Micro Kyushu Co., Ltd.
Techno-UMG Co., Ltd.
JSR Life Sciences Corporation
JSR Logistics & Customer Center Co., Ltd.
Medical & Biological Laboratories Co., Ltd.
UJK Co., Ltd.
JSR ARTON Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
JSR Micro N.V.
JSR Micro, Inc.
JSR Micro Korea Co., Ltd.
EUV Resist Manufacturing & Qualification Center N.V.
JSR Micro (Changshu) Co., Ltd.
KBI Biopharma, Inc.
(Current as of March 31, 2023)

6. Independent Review

Data from JSR and eight of JSR's domestic consolidated subsidiaries (14 of the locations included in JSR Corporation , JSR Micro Kyushu Co., Ltd. , JSR ARTON Manufacturing Co., Ltd. , Emulsion Technology, Co., Ltd. , Techno-UMG Co., Ltd. , JAPAN COLORING CO., LTD. , UJK Co., Ltd. , MBL Co., Ltd. ) received third-party verification (Scope1, 2) for GHG emissions.

7. Major Organizations and Initiatives We Take Part In

  • United Nations Global Compact
  • Japan Chemical Industry Association (JSR’s Representative Director serves as a Director of the association)
  • Japan Climate Leaders Partnership (JCLP)
  • Semiconductor Climate Consortium (SCC) (joined as a founding member)
  • TCFD Consortium

8. Definitions of Terms, Notations

  • Definitions of business activities, management foundation, corporate activity
    • Business activities:Activities that provide products and services
    • Management foundation:Activities of units involved in manufacturing and company management
    • Corporate activity:Activity that includes both business activities and management foundation
  • Definitions of terms
    JSR Group: JSR and its Group companies
    JSR: JSR Corporation
  • A note on numerical values
    Absolute values and percentages are rounded off. Therefore, the total of individual numbers listed may not exactly equal the total shown.