
Social Contributions

1. Philosophy

JSR Group established its "Philosophy to Social Contribution" in January 2009. We are currently implementing the initiatives outlined in this philosophy.

Philosophy on Social Contributions

  1. 1)Our Corporate Mission dictates that we contribute to society through our business activities. We also actively provide solutions to social requirements and issues as a responsible member of society.
  2. 2)We are continuously engaged in positive social contribution activities, capitalizing on the chemical and technical knowledge and skills that form the core of JSR business.
  3. 3)Every employee is a point of contact between the Company and society, and we actively support our employees in their voluntary participation in social contribution activities.

Established in January 2009

In 2010 we also established standards for making donations for disasters in order to stipulate evaluation standards when making donations for natural disasters. This provides greater clarity to standards and allows contributions to be made promptly and fairly.

2. Advancement Structure

The JSR Sustainability Planning Committee plans and executes activities that promote JSR Group's standing as a good corporate citizen.

3. Approaches in FY2022

The following section describes some of our main social contributions for FY2022.

(1) Young-Generation Education

JSR Group provides support for young-generation development and education opportunities through continued efforts to provide education and internship opportunities to students both in Japan and abroad. We also provide career experience opportunities. As in FY2021, we continued to scale back face-to-face activities to help check the spread of COVID-19.

Participation in the Human Resources Development Program in Chemistry

The Human Resources Development Program in Chemistry was created by the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) in October 2010. It is based on a proposal made in a report prepared in April of the same year by the "Kagaku Bijon Kenkyukai" (chemistry vision study group) of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The program informs universities of the chemical industry's human resources needs. The industry then supports the university courses that can meet these needs and their students. The program’s purpose is to develop the young people who will serve as the foundation for stronger international competitiveness and industrial promotion in Japan's chemical industry. We use the program to support courses engaged in outstanding initiatives and their students.

Acceptance of High School Interns

KBI (U.S.) accepts students from Frederick High School in Colorado for six-week internships. Employee volunteers provide the students with practical experience.

Creation of Educational Opportunities: Participation in Memory Book Bag Donations

Since 2014, with cooperation from JSR Group and JSR Labor Union, has participated in the "School bags (Randoseru) for Children in Afghanistan" drive held by JOICFP, an NGO engaged in international cooperation. Through the event, we donate used school bags to underprivileged children in Afghanistan to assist in their education. The event aims to help give children the knowledge and information they need to keep themselves and their families healthy by attending school and learning to read and write. In 2022, we again donated book bags as well as pencils, notebooks, and other stationery. We will remain involved with this event as a form of social contribution in which individual employees can participate.

Support for the Non-Profit Organization Supporting Organization for Artists of Tohoku (SOAT)

SOAT is a non-profit organization that carries out support activities for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 by creating motivation in life through art workshops. JSR agrees with the objective of SOAT’s activities and supports these activities.

(2) Community Contribution

JSR Group undertakes various activities to build good relationships with local communities and people living nearby. The Group’s offices and plants in Japan and abroad continually conduct clean-ups targeting nearby communities, coastlines and rivers, and other areas.

(3) Social Welfare and Health

Cooperation with Blood Donation Activities

JSR Group has long been an active participant in blood donation activities at both domestic and overseas offices and plants.

Support for those in Need

JSR Micro N.V. (Belgium) participates in De Warmste Week, a charity event in the Flanders region every year. This is an event supporting various charitable activities in the Flanders region. The money raised this year was donated to those in need.

KBI (U.S.) supports OUR Center, which helps poor households in Colorado. KBI has been a sponsor since 2016 and engages in volunteer activities, such as donating food and preparing and serving meals.

Toy Donations to Children

Crown Bioscience San Diego Ltd. and Crown Bioscience Inc. in the U.S. worked with the U.S. Marine Corps’ annual Toys for Tots drive and donated toys for children.

Activities to Raise Mental Health Awareness

In May 2023, employee volunteers at Crown Bioscience UK organized and held a bake sale. In addition to raising awareness about the importance of mental health, they sold homemade cakes and sweets and donated the proceeds to MIND, a mental health charity.

The Table for Two (TFT) Program

JSR Group's Tokyo and Yokkaichi Districts have participated in the TFT program run by the non-profit organization TABLE FOR TWO since February 2010. We donated 12,473 school lunches in 2022.

TFT is an initiative for sharing meals with children in developing countries. When an employee purchases a meal designated by TFT, 20 yen of its price is donated to buy a school meal for a child in a developing country.

JSR Donations to Help Resolve Global Health Issues

We support activities to prevent illness and donate to the Japan branch of the Médecins Sans Frontières NGO (Doctors Without Borders) programs that provide ongoing treatment for HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases such as cholera and malaria.

(4) Assistance to Disaster-Stricken Areas

Support for Earthquake-Stricken Areas in Turkey and Syria

JSR and JSR Group business sites in Japan and overseas donated to help those affected by the earthquake.

JSR Micro N.V. (Belgium) participated in support through a kebab food truck. All money spent by employees was donated to Turkey.

(5) Support for Social Contribution Activities by Employees

Interested employees actively participate in the social contribution activities carried out by JSR in each region. Activities carried out for communities also help broaden employees’ horizons. Employees can take up to five days of paid leave per year as a part of our paid volunteer leave system.