
Responsible Care Management

1. Responsible Care Policy

(1) Policy

Seeing occupational safety, security and accident prevention, environmental conservation, and product safety as key foundations for its business activities, JSR Group conducts all business undertakings under the following Responsible Care® (RC) policy.

  1. 1.We strive to ensure the safety of employees and local communities, and to contribute to environmental conservation and a sustainable global environment by ascertaining risks associated with our business activities and executing countermeasures.
  2. 2.We strive to comply with laws, ordinances, and voluntary regulations by gathering information on and ensuring the full development of laws and regulations required for business activity.
  3. 3.We strive to ensure the safety of our products by developing products with consideration for safety, health, and the environment and providing information about them.

(2) International Initiatives

JSR Signs Declaration Supporting RC Global Charter

The Responsible Care (RC) Global Charter is a voluntary activity policy adopted by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and shared by the chemical industry to enhance and reinforce RC activities around the world.

JSR subscribes to this activity policy, and has signed a declaration supporting the RC Global Charter in October 2008. JSR has also signed the revised RC Global Charter in March 2015. By signing this declaration, JSR has committed itself to making even greater contributions to health, safety, and environmental preservation not just in Japan, but around the world.

Declaration of support for RC Global Charter
Declaration of support for RC Global Charter

2. RC Advancement Structure

The Environment, Safety and Quality Committee was established to deliberate and approve JSR Group's policies, plans, activity results, and disclosed information related to the promotion of RC. In principle, the committee meets twice a year and is chaired by the officer in charge of environment, safety and quality. The committee consists of the general managers of JSR business sites and the heads of departments in charge of sustainability, environment, safety, quality, and chemicals. The committee's decisions are also reported to the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the CEO, President.

The decisions of the committee are disseminated to each business site, where specific RC activities are implemented. The status of activities is regularly confirmed by the Environment and Safety Department at JSR headquarters, which serves as the committee’s office, through the Environment and Safety Management Council and headquarters environmental and safety audits.

Advancement Structure Diagram
Advancement Structure Diagram

3. Environment and Safety Management

(1) Compliance

When laws concerning the environment and safety are adopted, enacted, or amended, the Headquarters department in charge distributes information to each business site to keep them fully informed.

JSR Group identifies laws and regulations requiring compliance based on compliance regulations and conducts annual self-checks to ensure that business departments conform with these laws and regulations.

(2) Environmental Management System

As an environmental management system that supports our environmental management, JSR Yokkaichi Plant obtained ISO 14001 certification in 1999 and has kept this certification up to date each year since.

JSR Group companies, mainly manufacturing bases, have also obtained ISO 14001 certification, and are promoting environmental conservation activities using a management system that complies with this standard.

ISO 14001 Certification (Manufacturing Bases)(As of March 31, 2024)

(1 location)
Domestic Group companies
(5 companies)
Overseas Group companies
(5 companies)
  • Yokkaichi Plant
  • Emulsion Technology, Co., Ltd.
  • Techno-UMG Co., Ltd.
  • Japan Coloring Co., Ltd.
  • JSR Micro Kyushu Co., Ltd.
  • JSR Micro N.V.
  • EUV Resist Manufacturing & Qualification Center N.V.
  • JSR Micro, Inc.
  • JSR Micro Korea Co., Ltd.
  • JSR Micro (Changshu) Co., Ltd.

(3) Safety Management System

JSR Group strives to minimize risks in occupational safety, security and accident prevention by operating the PDCA cycle using a management system configured according to the circumstances of each business.
To verify the effectiveness of this management system, each business site carries out internal safety audits and patrols along with management reviews regularly every year in an effort to achieve continuous improvement.

In addition, in the unlikely event of an accident or disaster, we have compiled a manual to ensure appropriate and effective measures to prevent the spread of damage, and we conduct regular drills to ensure this system operates effectively.

The following Group companies had obtained ISO 45001 certification, a certification which they have kept up to date.

Business Sites with ISO 45001 Certification(As of March 31, 2024)

Business site/Group company Certification no. Certification date
Ube Plant of Techno-UMG Co., Ltd. JQA-OH0037 March 14, 2003
JSR Micro Kyushu Corporation JQA-OH0319 March 27, 2020
JSR Micro N.V. (Belgium) BE20/819943937 April 25, 2020
JSR Micro, Inc. Sunnyvale CA (United States) OHS13340 April 27, 2010
JSR Micro, Inc. Hillsboro OR (United States) 18607 March 3, 2022

(4) Audits

Headquarters Environment and Safety Audits

The auditing team from the Environment and Safety Department of the JSR headquarters conducts annual audits of JSR Group plants and laboratories. In these audits, we conduct interviews with audited departments in accordance with the audit plan and check sheet for occupational safety and security and accident prevention, environmental conservation, and chemical management, and verify the effectiveness of the management system based on objective facts (evidence, on-site inspections, etc.).
In the effectiveness verification, we not only point out areas for improvement, but also focus on the strengths of each department. We also share the results obtained with each of the Group's business sites in an effort to improve the safety level of the entire Group.

These audits are also used as a forum for sharing and discussing issues faced by audited departments, and the Group is working as a whole to resolve issues in environmental and safety activities.

Furthermore, in audits conducted at JSR, since FY2015, we have been providing opportunities for dialogue between top management and employees to share the thoughts of both management and frontline operations, and to energize environmental and safety activities through greater mutual understanding.

Details of environment and safety audits can be found using the link below.

Scope of Headquarters Environment and Safety Audits in 2023

JSR Corporation (3 business sites) Domestic Group companies (8 companies) Overseas Group Companies (3 companies)
  • Yokkaichi plant and laboratory
  • Tsukuba laboratory and business site
  • JSR-Keio University Medical and Chemical Innovation Center (JKiC)
  • JSR ARTON Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
  • JSR Micro Kyushu Corporation
  • JSR Life Sciences, LLC
  • UJK Co., Ltd. Yamaguchi Plant
  • Medical & Biological Laboratory (Tsukuba Laboratory)
  • Emulsion Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Techno-UMG Co., Ltd. (Yokkaichi Plant and Ube Plant)
  • JSR Micro Korea Co., Ltd.
  • JSR Micro (Changshu) Co., Ltd.
  • JSR (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Shanghai Technical Center)

(5) Environment and Safety Merit Award

Environment Merit Award

At JSR, to further encourage environmental protection activities, we created the Environment Merit Award for employees who have made important contributions to environmental protection through a range of activities that include environmental product and technology development, environmental impact reduction, and assisting local communities with environment-related issues. Six employees received this award for two areas of excellence in FY2023.

Business site Description
Yokkaichi Plant Reduction of solvent consumption and CO2 emissions by improving the cleaning solvent return line
Yokkaichi Plant Reduction of solvent consumption and CO2 emissions by improving the performance of molecular weight measuring equipment

Safety and Health Forum

JSR Group holds the Safety and Health Forum every year with the aim of raising the level of safety awareness and safety activities among employees.
In 2023, the forum was held at JSR's Yokkaichi Plant, and three business sites selected from the Group in Japan gave presentations on best safety practices.

  • Initiatives to eliminate occupational accidents in research departments (JSR Tsukuba)
  • Use of ICT cameras to eradicate unsafe behavior (JSR Yokkaichi)
  • Risk reduction activities at TUM Ube Plant (TUM Ube)

4. Stakeholder Engagement

As a responsible member of the local community, JSR Group participates in the Responsible Care Community Dialogue and exchanges opinions with local residents on safety management and the handling of chemical substances.

5. Disclosure of Legal and Regulatory Violations

In FY2023, there were no legal violations by JSR with regard to laws on the environment, safety, quality, product safety and chemicals.
We continue to implement measures to prevent recurrences of past incidents and we strive toward prevention by regularly sharing case studies in legal and regulatory violations including those involving other companies.