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CSR Report 2012

Editorial Policy

The JSR Group's corporate social responsibility (CSR) is to act with integrity as a good corporate citizen and carry out initiatives to meet the expectations of society.
We publish our CSR reports to inform all stakeholders of JSR Group policies and initiatives with a view to a sustainable society.
In the CSR Report 2012, we present specific examples of the JSR Group's current efforts and also our direction from here on out. Containing a dialogue with an expert from outside the company, this report presents specific examples of the direction that the JSR Group is aiming for and the initiatives that the Group is currently carrying out. In compliance with our Management Policies, our activities are reported according to our "Responsibility to Our Stakeholders."
A third-party opinion and an independent review regarding our activities and report are provided (with the opinion available both in the printed version and on our website, and with the review only on the website).

The CSR Report 2012 Format

The JSR Group's CSR Report 2012 is available both in printed and online versions.


The printed version features CSR activities in the JSR Group that we would particularly like to communicate to our stakeholders. This version also provides the highlights of our previous fiscal year's activities.


The online version presents a comprehensive report on the JSR Group's CSR activities. In addition to the content provided in the printed version, the online version details specific initiatives regarding "Responsible Care" (the environment, health, and safety) and many other responsibilities for our stakeholders.

The PDF file for the printed version is available here.

Referenced Guidelines

■ Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, 3rd Edition, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
■ Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2007, Ministry of the Environment
■ Environmental Accounting Guidelines for Chemical Companies, Japan Responsible Care Council

Target Period

April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012
(Some parts of the CSR Report 2012 include activities and initiatives conducted since April 2012.)

Operations Covered

JSR Corporation and 38 Group Companies

■ Operations for which data was collected on "Responsible Care" (the environment, health and safety)
Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, Kashima Plant, Yokkaichi Research Center, Precision Processing Research Laboratories, Tsukuba Research Laboratories, and 13 domestic Group companies*

*The names of the 13 companies above are provided and marked with "*" in the section on "JSR Group Companies."

Publication Information

Date of publication: August 2012
Next scheduled issue: July 2013
(Previous issue: July 2011)


CSR Report 2012