1. Philosophy
2. Progressing Corporate Culture
JSR is actively working on reshaping its corporate culture based on the principles of freedom and discipline. Our corporate culture-related activities are comprised of cultivation, on-the-job training (OJT) advancement, and communication improvement. "Cultivation" works to help managers and subordinates develop together as individuals by promoting inter-personal communication and encouraging managers to provide their subordinates with more opportunities for independence. "OJT promotion" aims to spread preparedness to implement OJT and its philosophy among employees through training. And "communication improvement" creates opportunities for regular informal workplace gatherings and Group get-togethers.
3. CSR & RC Explanatory Briefings
(1) CSR & RC Explanatory Briefings
Every year, JSR holds RC & CSR explanatory briefings in which officers and managers in charge of specific areas visit each business site. They use the briefings to share the results of activities to advance CSR and responsible care (environment, safety, and quality) and future challenges with employees and to discuss these matters directly with them.
CSR & RC Explanatory Briefings held in FY2018
JSR business establishment (including domestic Group companies) | Date |
Head office | December 5 and 18, 2018 |
Yokkaichi Plant | November 29, 2018 |
Chiba Plant | October 18, 2018 |
Kashima Plant | October 5, 2018 |
Tsukuba Research Laboratories | November 22, 2018 |
Kashima Plant (October 5)
Chiba Plant (October 18)
Tsukuba Research Laboratories (November 22)
Yokkaichi Plant (November 29)
Head Office (December 5 and 18)
Q&A session
(2) CSR Report Presentation Meetings
JSR holds CSR Report Presentation meetings every year at each site for all domestic divisions, including Group companies and uses them to assist CSR activities. The theme for the 2018 meetings involved the relationship between employees’ own department and society. We are analyzing the opinions expressed by each department and feeding the results back to employees.
4. Employee Awards Program
We use various awards programs to enhance employees’ motivation. Among the awards presented are the President’s Award, Production and Technology Award, Research and Development Award, Environment Distinguished Service Award, special commendations, length-of-service commendations, “zero accidents” commendations, the Nice Try Award*1 and Nice Support Award.*2
*1 Nice Support Award: This award recognizes employees who play significant behind-the-scenes roles in the organization’s smooth performance; in other words, roles that cannot be measured in ordinary performance-based personnel evaluations.
*2 Nice Try Award: This award recognizes employees who have helped foster a corporate culture in which all employees are bettering able to take on new challenges without fear of failure.
5. Employee Awareness Survey
Every three years since FY2004, we have conducted an employee awareness survey that targets the entire JSR Group. We make fixed-point measurements and provide feedback to all employees, and also reflect the survey’s results on the implementation of measures and system design. The Nice Support Award and Nice Try Award programs mentioned above were introduced based on the outcome of an employee awareness survey. We conducted the fifth survey in FY2016 and plan the next one for FY2019. The surveys’ results are reported at JSR Board of Directors meetings. In the FY2016 survey, the most recent, the response rate was high at 96.6%, indicating a tendency toward stronger interest in the company’s future. Additionally, employee satisfaction rose compared to the FY2010 and FY2013 levels, which is believed to show that human resources development that stresses corporate culture reform and dialogue have become part of the corporate culture.
Examples of survey items:
- Satisfaction with the company and workplace
- State of motivation to work
- Degrees of understanding and organizational penetration of the Corporate Mission
- Understanding and organizational penetration of diversity
- Understanding and organizational penetration of work-life innovation