JSR Group's SustainabilityCorporate Mission and Sustainability Philosophy
To create a corporate culture in which sustainable growth is achieved constantly regardless of changes in personnel or organizational form, and to ensure that such a culture permeates across JSR Group, we established our Essential Elements and have been promoting them to be shared among the employees within the Group as common values so that each employee can act with responsibility and confidence. The Essential Elements consists of the Corporate Mission, the Management Policies, and the Course of Action.
1. Corporate Mission and Sustainability Philosophy
We believe that to be a sustainable company, we must continue providing value to all stakeholders while responding to environmental changes. We define sustainability as “contributing to society by creating value through corporate activity.” This way of thinking vis-à-vis sustainability is connected to JSR Group's Corporate Mission and in line with our management policies over the years.
Under our Corporate Mission of “Materials Innovation - We create value through materials to enrich society, people and the environment,” we aim to contribute to the development of a sustainable global environment and society by creating value through corporate activity. And we will advance initiatives that benefit all stakeholders—customers and business partners, employees, society, the environment, and shareholders.
The scope of JSR Group's business activities is in the process of shifting from a Japan-centric focus to a truly global focus. In order to carry out global business activities, we need to have a deeper understanding of worldwide issues and the problems faced by regions throughout the world.
On the other hand, these issues and problems can be turned into opportunities for new businesses. By actively seeking to identify these business opportunities, we are working to expand the scope of our business.
Participation in the United Nations Global Compact
The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact
- 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
- 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
- 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
- 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
- 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
- 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
- 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
- 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
- 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
- 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The SDGs are comprised of 17 goals and 169 targets that all United Nations member states will strive to achieve by 2030 for the purpose of bringing sustainability to the global environment and people's lives. In addition to conventional development goals, such as eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, the SDGs also cover challenges faced by developed countries, among them the promotion of gender equality, creation of a strong employment environment, reexamination of production and consumption, conservation of marine and forest resources, and development of safe communities. JSR Group will do its part to achieve the SDGs by creating value through its corporate activity.
As a Global Compact participant, we prepare "Communication on Progress" (COP) reports detailing our fulfillment of the compact's principles.
2. Corporate Mission
The corporate mission of JSR Group clearly identifies the company's raison d'etre.
By supplying materials that are indispensable to human societies, JSR aims to be trusted.
3. Management Policies - JSR's Fundamental Pillars of Management
Continuous Creation of Businesses
As society evolves, so does the demand for specialized materials and advanced products. JSR continuously evolves to anticipate and respond to changing marketing needs and, in doing so, achieves dynamic growth.
Enhancement of Corporate Culture
As society evolves, so will our organization. JSR will build on its existing positive corporate culture to create an organization and management style with the vitality to keep evolving.
Inrease in Corporate Value
Aiming to increase corporate value by creating business opportunities through materials. To this end, we will focus on customer satisfaction and the fulfillment of employees.
4. Management Policies - Responsibility to Our Stakeholders
Responsibility to Our Customers / Business Partners
When interacting with our business partners and customers, JSR Group will:
- Constantly evolve to meet the demand for new materials
- Always strive to increase customer satisfaction
- Act in good faith and maintain fair and equitable business relations
- Continue to be socially and environmentally conscious throughout the supply chain
Responsibility to Our Employees
All employees should expect:
- To be evaluated and rewarded based on fair standards
- Continuous opportunities to grow by challenging themselves
- Acceptance of the diversity of fellow colleagues and to be provided a place where all employees can work together as a team
Responsibility to Society
All members of JSR Group will honor our responsibility to both the local and global communities through:
- Responsible and respectful business practices (Responsible Care) that considers the environment and safety
- Support for environmental conservation by providing eco-friendly products
- Reduction of our environmental impact throughout the entire product lifecycle
- Active contribution to conserving biodiversity throughout its business activities and the entire product lifecycle
Responsibility to Shareholders
JSR Group will maintain its responsibility to its shareholders by:
- Aiming to increase corporate value by creating business opportunities through materials
- Constantly enhancing its management efficiencies
- Inspiring trust by being highly transparent and conducting sound corporate management practices
5. 4C Course of Action
All employees of JSR Group should share a common, global focus and desire to succeed. Employees should feel confident to autonomously take on new challenges, learning from successes while viewing setbacks as opportunities to learn, grow and improve.
All employees should feel comfortable and confident maintaining open lines of bi-directional communication at all levels within JSR Group. Employees should strive for organizational transparency through direct conversations as the best means to share value and achieve common goals, especially in the face of growth and diversification.
Employees will work together in the spirit of cooperation, valuing common, corporate goals over internal or departmental barriers. Employees will also be encouraged to actively collaborate with external resources and not be bound to conventional ideas.
All employees will cultivate an environment that supports bi-directional communication between managers and subordinates and provides opportunities to develop together as individuals and as members of productive, supportive teams.