1. Philosophy: Recruitment and Promotion of Diverse Human Resources
2. Advancement Structure
3. Advancement Measures and Schemes
- (1) Promoting the Active Participation and Advancement of Women in the Workforce
- (2) Promoting the Active Participation of Employees Providing Nursing Care
- (3) Promoting the Reactivation of Resigned Employees
- (4) Activation of Foreign Nationals
- (5) Employment Opportunities beyond Retirement
- (6) Support for Employees with Disabilities
1. Philosophy: Recruitment and Promotion of Diverse Human Resources
JSR Group is rapidly expanding its various business activities around the world, and we believe that harnessing diverse human resources is crucial for the advancement of our wide-ranging business strategies. We view the promotion of diversity as a fundamental part of our management strategy. In taking this approach, we are engaged in developing management that is focused on individualism and the respect for, and utilization of values through diversity. Furthermore, a corporate culture which is welcoming of new values and work styles is instrumental in our goals of creating a diverse workplace. We are committed to promoting these ideals with our work-life management initiatives.
2. Advancement Structure
JSR has established a Diversity Development Office to serve as an organization dedicated to the advancement of diversity. The office’s mission is to establish and implement initiatives which enable diversity in the workforce. In addition to our emphasis on gender equality initiatives, JSR Group shows its commitment to the future by expanding the scope of our initiatives to include foreign nationals, individuals with disabilities, and individuals in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT community). Furthermore, we provide support to employees who are balancing work with care and illness.
3. Promotion Measures and Schemes
(1) Promoting the Active Participation and Advancement of Women in the Workforce
As a part of our mid-term business plan, JSR has publicly announced our quantitative targets for the active support of our female employees. We have also developed an action plan to promote and support the lives of working women within JSR, based on and in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Women's Act). The Women's Acts' third phase is set for April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2022. These targets demonstrate our management's commitment in achieving understanding and cooperation throughout the organization. JSR has also publicly announced each of our action plans to nurture and raise the next generation of children. These plans are based the Act on Advancement of Measure to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (Next-Generation Act), which has been in effect since April 2005. The eighth phase of which is set for April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2022. We have continued to establish, notify, publicly disclose, raise awareness of, and implement action plans throughout the second phase of the Women's Act and seventh phase of the Next-Generation Act while executing initiatives in line with both acts.
- Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace: Action Plan for Promoting the Active Participation and Advancement of Women in the Workforce (PDF 28KB)
- Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children: Action Plan for Advancing Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (PDF 40KB)
Active support of Women in the Workforce: Quantitative Targets
* The table is slidable aside.
* Set from the ratio of male and female students.
1) Creation of Systems to Actively Support Women in the Workplace
2) Developing Programs that Support Working Women
The following programs are held with special consideration for female employees, and managers, in order to increase female employees' ownership of their career development at JSR.
- Career Development Seminar for Assistant Manager-Level Female Employees
- Work Communication Seminar: Managers improve their diversity management skills
- Career Track Transfer Seminar: Employees brainstorm about career possibilities and skill development after changing career tracks within JSR.
- General Career Development Seminar: Non-managerial, general employees develop efficient internal communication skills.
- Communication Seminar: Manufacturing employees improve their communication skills.
Other seminars focusing on specific themes are also held as appropriate.
JSR received “Eruboshi” certification as a company making outstanding efforts to promote women's participation.
On October 28, 2019, JSR earned the “Eruboshi (Stage 2)” designation after being certified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company making outstanding efforts to “promote women's participation” based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.
(2) Promoting the Active Participation of Employees Providing Nursing Care
Today, Japan has what is called a “super-aging society*1.” It is reported that about one in four people in Japan aged 75 or older requires nursing care, and it is thought that the number of employees who are faced with providing such care will increase. JSR offers a variety of support measures that allow employees who provide nursing care to balance that care with their work.
*1 Super-aging society: A society in which the share of the elderly population aged 65 years or older within the total population exceeds 21%.
(3) Promoting the Reactivation of Resigned Employees (Career Re-Entry System)
JSR instituted its Career Re-Entry System to enable employees who voluntarily left JSR and the workforce due to marriage, childbirth, nursing care responsibilities, the transfer of a spouse, or other personal reasons to register for rehire in accordance with company needs and the former employee's desires.
(4) Activation of Foreign Nationals
Sixty percent of JSR Group's revenue comes from overseas, and one-third of its employees are not Japanese. We therefore engage in corporate activity that is founded on the leadership of a CEO who is well acquainted with circumstances in Japan and abroad. Moreover, to secure personnel who can succeed on the global stage, we promote the development of workplace environments within which employees of different nationalities, religions, and lifestyles can work together while demonstrating their own unique characteristics.
(5) Employment Opportunities beyond Retirement
In accordance with the Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, JSR has systems in place that enables employees who have reached the mandatory retirement age to stay in the JSR workforce. Prior to retirement, employees complete a survey concerning their desire to continue employment. All of those who wish to continue working are re-employed.
(6) Support for Employees with Disabilities
As of the end of FY2018, JSR's employment rate of individuals with disabilities was 2.38% (the statutory employment rate is 2.2%). By discussing their strengths, and the details of their disability, we are able to find a work style that best suits each employee's situation. Although there are still few employees with disabilities working in areas where hazardous materials are handled, such as manufacturing and research laboratories, we are working on ways to ensure safety while expanding employment opportunities.
Employment rate of individuals with disabilities
Scope of aggregation: JSR Corporation