SocietyLabor Environment
1. Philosophy
We, JSR Group, specify our responsibilities to employees within our management policies.
- To be evaluated and rewarded based on fair standards
- Continuous opportunities to grow by challenging themselves
- Acceptance of the diversity of fellow colleagues and to be provided a place where all employees can work together as a team
2. Advancement Structure
We advance initiatives to maintain appropriate labor environments as an activity guideline of the Corporate Ethics Committee.
3. Organization and Personnel
(1) Philosophy
JSR Group drives its organization and personnel based upon the following measures:
- Develop mechanisms and a corporate culture with a healthy balance of 'Freedom' and 'Discipline,' guided by the Course of Action's 4Cs to enable managers and junior staff to grow together, help all employees accurately perceive and solve issues in order to foster a JSR that not only maintains its organizational capacity, but ensures its future growth.
- Promote the globalization of JSR corporation employees while developing a globalized workforce within JSR Group as well as train and manage the Group's human resources on a global level.
- Generate synergies which take full advantage of the increasing range of diversity (in terms of nationality, culture, gender, values, etc.) throughout JSR Group's vast human resource pool.
(2) Codes of Conduct
- We shall ensure the fair treatment of employees, based on each person’s tasks, roles, and level of commitment.
- We shall respect the diversity of our workforce and make efforts to create a workplace environment that enables every employee to make the best use of their abilities and to find a rewarding sense of satisfaction in their work.
- We shall respect the human rights and diverse characteristics of all individuals, and shall not discriminate against gender, age, nationality, race, ethnic group, origin, religion, beliefs, social status, physical disability, sexual orientation, or other relevant conditions when determining employment status and/or working conditions.
- We shall not force religion and/or belief on others.
- We shall provide a workplace free from sexual harassment and any harassment arising from positions of power. In addition, we will not engage in or make verbal comments with sexual connotations that will make counterparts feel uncomfortable.
- In the event that a staff member reports the violation or possible violation of the law and/or the Principles of Corporate Ethics to his/her superiors and/or internal/external hotline, we shall fully protect the said staff member’s identity and protect him or her from unfavorable treatment.
(3) Rank System
We have established an ability-based grade system that sets capability grades that correspond to employees’ abilities. Moreover, for employees of higher ranks, we also apply a job rank system that establishes ranks that correspond to given duties (i.e., responsibilities in the organization and performance responsibilities).
(4) Assessment System
We conduct assessments fairly by employing two systems. One is an “ability assessment system” that specifies the specific behavioral characteristics of abilities required for each capability grade in individual occupational categories and then assesses demonstrated abilities based on those standards. And the other is a “objective management system” that assesses the degree to which a person has achieved objectives were determined at the beginning of the fiscal year.
(5) Philosophy concerning Wages and Working Hours
JSR Group strictly complies with the legally-established minimum wage of each country and region and provides wages that are based on fair assessments to employees. JSR Group naturally strives to be legally compliant in terms of working hours. We also endeavor to provide appropriate labor management with the aim of avoiding long working hours and to help employees enjoy a proper work-life balance.
4.Human Resource Development
(1) Human Resource Development Philosophy
We are working on human resource development with the understanding that it is the greatest priority for achieving sustainable, long-term corporate growth. In particular, we are promoting human resource development in order to strengthen our organizational capacity by implementing the Course of Action "The 4Cs" - "Challenge," "Communication," "Collaboration," and "Cultivation" - of our Course of Action at a higher level, and with focus on "skill/know-how" and "awareness/motivation."
Human Resources = Skill and Know-How x MotivationAs a key goal, we will also strengthen our employees' international communication abilities.
(2) Mechanisms and Specific Measures Relating to HR Development
- Continue to implement programs to realize early development of the leaders of tomorrow through the Next Leaders Development Committee
- Implement OJT and Off-JT training with a greater emphasis on motivation, a critical ingredient for the development of employee skills and knowledge
- Enhance language and cultural programs in international communication such as intensive language courses in China and abroads.
- Continue and expand training to support the passing on of technological expertise and development of manufacturing skills common to all Group plants
- Continuation of specialized skill training for young employees
- Provide training programs with common content between Group companies
(3) Training Programs
JSR conducts a variety of training programs to raise the skills of its employees.
In FY2019, the total annual training time per JSR employee was 18.7 hours.
This total was calculated by including technology and skill training, stratified training programs, and other training organized by human resources departments. It therefore does not include hours spent in education provided independently by departments or external education. Additionally, it does not include internet-based training hours.
Making the best use of the training centers we have established near our plants to support the continuing education of our employees, we focus on further refining our strengths in technology and human resources by passing on technical skills at manufacturing sites and expanding employee education programs.
Yokkaichi Training Center
Chiba Training Center
Kashima Training Center
Miniature Plant in Yokkaichi Training Center
Head Office Training Center
(JSR Roppongi Club)
(4) Career Development Program (CDP)
We have established the Career Development Program (CDP) to work in conjunction with other training programs in the development of human resources and the next generation of JSR.
With CDP, recent graduates will work temporarily in different departments for their first few years as part of their development.
We believe that this kind of rotation forms the basis of human resources development. Since first introduced in 1988, we have continued to improve and refine this method of training. Each employee must work in at least three different departments during their first 10 years of employment. This program produces highly capable employees that have excellent efficiency and inter-departmental communication skills due to their understanding and awareness of the relationships between upstream and downstream processes.
CDP Committee members individually interview employees that will enter CDP before forming individual rotation plans at a general CDP meeting. The Human Resources Department runs the CDP Committee, and each Division Director is a committee member.
5. Flexible Working Style Support Benefits
(1) Flexible Working Style Support Benefits
Child-rearing and nursing care are situations that have significant impacts on life. Because of this, JSR has a variety of systems designed to create an environment that helps employees balance work and caretaking duties. Additionally, JSR distributes a guidebook detailing the various support programs available for balancing work and caretaking (including those within the company and without) to make them known among employees.
We are taking various initiatives to support employees’ diverse working styles from FY2019. They include changing the system to allow many employees to work from home, not just those who do so for child-rearing and nursing care, by relaxing work-from-home requirements; starting a by-the-hour annual paid leave system that allows employees to take their annual paid leave in one-hour increments; extending the time employees can work shortened hours for child-rearing and nursing care; and adding more annual paid holidays for young employees (14 days in the first year of employment).
JSR's Flexible Working Style Support Benefits
* The table is slidable aside.
* Per employee request, mobile devices with remote access to the company network are provided under these benefits.
JSR also provides a discretionary labor system for employees in R&D, as well as a "no-core" flextime labor system for its non-shift based employees. Employees who need time off for community service activities can take up to a total of five days paid leave per year as volunteer leave.
JSR and JSR Micro Kyushu are Accredited with the "Kurumin" Next-Generation Mark
In August 2007 and April 2012, JSR received the Next Generation Mark accreditation (nicknamed "Kurumin") issued by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare. Kurumin designates enterprises that provide superb parenting support. JSR Micro Kyushu also received the mark in May 2017.
Next Generation Accreditation Mark "Kurumin"
(2) JSR Original Support Benefits
In addition to compensation benefits available during paid leave periods via Health and employment insurance, JSR employees are provided with the following original benefits. These benefits aim to aid employees in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
- Childbirth Lump-Sum Allowance
Women enrolled in JSR's health insurance program are eligible to receive a 100,000 yen per child Childbirth Lump-Sum allowance in addition to the government mandated childbirth allowance. - Extended Childcare Leave Allowance
Employees on extended childcare leave are eligible to receive their base salary with an additional 50% bonus for the first five days. This allowance is funded via the JSR Mutual Aid Association. - Post Childcare Leave Reinstatement Allowance
For employees who have returned back to work for a continues six months following maternity leave or extended childcare leave (of at least one month) are eligible to receive an allowance of 200,000 yen per child. This allowance is funded by the JSR Mutual Aid Association for the purpose of recognizing employees past service, and continued dedication. - Daycare Allowance
In households where both parents work, employees are reimbursed half the cost of baby sitter services that are required on working days. Costs are reimbursed via the JSR Mutual Aid Association with an annual limit of 400,000 yen per eligible employee.
6. Employees Healthy Mind and Body
(1) Philosophy for Physical and Mental Health
JSR feels that a healthy mind and body are extremely important for employees and their families to live happy lives. We also feel that they are imperative in the creation of a productive and vibrant workplace. Because of this, we have adopted various measures to help our employees work in good health, both mentally and physically.
(2) Codes of Conduct
We shall strive to maintain and improve safety and hygiene levels for all relevant parties, based on our belief that “safety is of utmost importance to everyone working in manufacturing and the bedrock of business activities.” Additionally, we shall pay sufficient attention to the maintenance of the mental and physical health of ourselves and those we work with.
(3) Health and Fitness: JSR Health Promotion
JSR will advance "JSR Health Promotion" as an activity to support our work-style innovation activities and promote health and fitness among our employees, who are the foundation of organizational activity. First, we explain the importance of fitness in the company's Top Message. Specifically, we incorporate two approaches in the management of employees' health --a “high-risk approach” (i.e., individual attention when an employee is ill) and a “population approach” (i.e., risk reduction/prevention for all). In doing so, we address specific issues that include prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, ensuring that employees receive health checkups and follow-ups, mental health, and prevention of secondhand smoke. At the same time, JSR Health Insurance Society has introduced a portal site (KenCoM) as a tool to help maintain and promote employees' health. KenCoM provides services that support health with the aim of making fitness-related activities fun. We will continue working to strengthen our use of ICT in employees' health management.
JSR was recognized under the 2020 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program.
JSR was recognized by the “2020 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program” (Large Enterprise Category), a scheme run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Nippon Kenko Kaigi. This designation acknowledges our standing as a listed company that practices outstanding health and productivity management.
Moreover, five members of JSR Group --JSR Micro Kyushu Co., Ltd.; Japan Coloring Co., Ltd.; Elastomix Co., Ltd; Emulsion Technology Co., Ltd.; and JSR Health Insurance Society --were recognized under the 2020 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (SME Category).
The “Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program” examines large enterprises, SMEs and other organizations engaging in initiatives for overcoming health-related challenges in regional communities or for promoting health-conscious activities led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, and recognizes those enterprises engaging in particularly outstanding efforts for health and productivity management.
Seeing the health and fitness of each and every employee as vital to sustainable corporate growth, JSR Group will continue regarding employee health as a management issue and take proactive steps in executing measures to maintain and promote health and reexamining how our employees work.
* The "Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program" examines large enterprises, SMEs and other organizations engaging in initiatives for overcoming health-related challenges in regional communities or for promoting health-conscious activities led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, and recognizes outstanding enterprises engaging in efforts for health and productivity management.
(4) Physical Health Assistance
JSR supports its employee's physical health by providing general physical screenings, special examinations required by law, such as chemicals examinations and VDT screenings, lifestyle disease checkups, and gynecologic cancer examinations. Subsidies are also provided to employees who receive complete medical screenings and brain scans such as MRIs. Since 2008, the JSR Health Insurance Society has promoted lifestyle disease prevention screenings (diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity) paired with health guidance and counseling to achieve promising results. Moreover, we actively work to ensure employees' health through various means, among them providing education on ways to prevent lifestyle-related diseases through the industrial health staffs of our business sites, individual counseling at health exams, and safety and health advice through workplace visits.
Additionally, in addition to providing its own sports facilities as well as memberships in sports clubs through welfare service contracts, each JSR business site hosts sporting events, such as softball games, and bowling tournaments to improve health through physical activity and facilitate communication among employees. These programs have received positive feedback from employees who do not normally have the opportunity to participate in physical activities.
Examples of JSR sports facilities
Health management center (exterior) and training room, Yokkaichi Plant
JSR athletic ground next to the Kashima Plant
(5) Mental Health Assistance
JSR has taken measures to improve employee mental health since the issue first began drawing attention. JSR takes a four-point approach in providing mental health support, "Check," "Organizational Analysis," "Consultation," and "Training."
Checks and organizational analysis include a biannual employee mental health JMI Health Survey conducted by JSR since FY1998. The data from these checks is used in a variety of ways. It helps individual employees understand their own mental stress levels. It also helps JSR to understand the stress levels of all employees throughout the organization. Furthermore, it is used in the implementation of various companywide policies. Since FY2012, we have been conducting web-based stress diagnostics throughout the JSR domestic group. Stress diagnostics are conducted annually via our e-Stress Diagnosis System.
Consultation includes the establishment of a program to provide counseling for employees at a location of their choosing. Counseling is conducted through a third-party professional, Human Frontier Counseling. This program has been established at each of the JSR domestic group companies as a part of our mental-health counseling support efforts. In efforts to provide stable and quality mental health counseling, occupational health professionals are present at all of JSR Corporation's offices and plants.
Training includes a variety of mental health care programs, such as self-care and line-care that properly reflects each level of JSR's organizational hierarchy.
7. JSR Workers' Union
(1) Thinking vis-à-vis Workers' Union Activities
We strive to maintain a relationship with the JSR Workers’ Union whereby we can routinely conduct constructive dialogues through regular labor-management councils, meetings concerning the revision of labor agreements, and other opportunities. We also work with the JSR Workers’ Union to build better workplace environments with attention to union concerns—namely, “wage policy,” “labor environment policy,” “welfare policy,” “leisure time, public relations, and volunteerism policy,” and “organizational policy.”
(2) Codes of Conduct
We will abide by national and international labor codes and respect workers’ right of association and right for collective negotiation in the realm of basic labor rights.
(3) Communication between JSR and the JSR Workers' Union
JSR and the JSR Workers' Union have entered a labor agreement based on workers' union regulations.
The president, directors in charge of individual business segments, and worker's union representatives have regular discussions with the workers' union to exchange opinions and conduct QA sessions regarding the working environment, business conditions, major company policies, and workers' union activities. The JSR Workers' Union discloses the content of these discussions with union members. Moreover, through frequent labor-management councils at the employee and plant levels, local labor-management councils, and Safety and Health Committee meetings, we endeavor to deepen mutual understanding and trust as well as to maintain and strengthen sound labor relations. In FY2019, we endeavored to create work-friendly environments through repeated discussions concerning methods for taking and managing the by-the-hour annual paid leave system, support measures for employees posted away from their families, and other matters.
(4) Dialogue between the Workers’ Union and its Members
Union members at each plant represent plant workers' opinions. They also act as a conduit between union leadership and the union members. Workplace discussions and questionnaires are conducted to ensure the ideas and opinions of union members are incorporated into union activities.