Editorial Policy
1. Editing Concept
Where JSR aims to go
Under the corporate mission of “Materials Innovation - We create value through materials to enrich society, people and the environment,” JSR Group aims to build and maintain good relations with all of our stakeholders and become a trusted and indispensable corporate citizen. To this end, the Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable global environment and society by creating value through its corporate activity and based on this corporate mission.
From CSR to sustainability
At the General Meeting of Shareholders held in June 2020, JSR decided to evolve to its traditional “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) activities into activities that contribute to all stakeholders with value created through corporate activity. Such activities are now referred to as “sustainability” activities. Accordingly, the department responsible for these activities, the CSR Department, was also renamed the Sustainability Promotion Department. JSR's first female director was assigned to head the newly named department as its assigned officer.
The CSR Report was likewise renamed the “Sustainability Report.”
About the report
Although the report was edited amid a delay in the announcement of the mid-term business plan due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have nonetheless endeavored to communicate our initiatives in FY2019 to stakeholders in an easily understandable manner.
The report contains a message from the officer in charge of sustainability promotion as well as an account of materiality (priority issues) arranged in terms of ESG (environment, social, governance) to assist the reader in comprehending JSR's sustainability as a whole. We also present related numerical data in the ESG Data section. Please note that we will not publish a Highlight Version.
2. Positioning of this Report
The “JSR Group Sustainability 2020” provides comprehensive coverage of non-financial information.
Please access Report Downloads for past websites and publications.
Please visit the JSR website for details on products and services, financial information, etc.
3. Referenced Guidelines
- United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 / Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2012, Ministry of the Environment
- Environmental Accounting Guidelines for Chemical Companies, Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA)
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards
4. Target Period and Fiscal Year
- FY2019:April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
Please note that some sections include activities conducted during periods that are other than that provided above.
FY: Fiscal Year means the year starting April 1st.
5. Operations Covered
The entire report
JSR Group: 66 companies
- JSR:
- Head Office, Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, Kashima Plant, Yokkaichi Research Center, Tsukuba Research Laboratories, JSR-Keio University Medical and Chemical Innovation Center, Nagoya Branch, Taiwan Branch
- Group Companies:
- 24 domestic Group companies, 41 overseas Group companies
(Current as of March 31, 2020)
RC data (environment, safety, health)
JSR Group: 19 companies
- JSR:
- Head Office, Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, Kashima Plant, Yokkaichi Research Laboratories, Tsukuba Research Laboratories, Nagoya Branch
- Group Companies:
- 8 domestic Group companies, 10 overseas Group companies*
(Current as of March 31, 2020)
* For information about Group companies that collected RC data, see “ESG Data: JSR Group Companies.
“JSR” and “JSR Group” are classified as follows:
JSR Group: JSR and Group companies
JSR: JSR Corporation
6. Notes concerning Notations
Definitions of business activity, management foundation, and corporate activity
About numerical data
For both absolute values and percentages, numerical values that fall below the shown number of digits are rounded off.
For this reason, the sums of individual numbers may differ from the sum values provided.
7. Independent Review
JSR Group undergoes independent reviews from the Responsible Care Verification Center of the Japan Chemical Industry Association. Additionally, the entire report is approved by the Sustainability Promotion Committee before publication.
Scope of review: All notations in the “JSR Group Sustainability Report 2020” pertaining to the environment and industrial safety/accident prevention (including ESG Data)
8. Publication Information
- Date of publication:
- October 2020
- Next scheduled issue:
- October 2021
- (Previous issue:
- September 2019)