SocietySecurity and Accident Prevention
- Message from the President
1. Management System, Advancement Structure and Policy
2. Promotion of Risk Management (Security and Accident Prevention)
3. Compliance Confirmation and Certification
4. Targets and Planning
5. Education
6. Communication with Local Communities and Society
7. Activity Record
8. Handling of Emergency Situations (Facility Accident Incidence and Analysis)
9. Inspection and Monitoring
Message from the President
Each member of top management within the JSR Group works personally to ensure that employees throughout the Group understand and share the Group's mindset towards security, accident prevention and occupational health and safety, based on the Group’s Philosophy and Course of Action for Occupational Health and Safety and Policy for Security Management.
We are uncompromising in our commitment to ensuring the safety and stability of plant operations. Without these elements, we could not survive as a company. They are fundamental to sustainability. We have been, and will continue to, act decisively in addressing the issue of progressive, age-related deterioration identified in some buildings and plant facilities. We remain resolutely committed to ensuring that every employee in our Group, as well as in our manufacturing partners, is happy with the work that they are doing with JSR.
(From the president’s 2020 New Year’s message)
1. Management System, Advancement Structure and Policy
(1) Safety Management System and Advancement Structure
JSR has developed and operates a “Safety Management System” that establishes regulations and procedures concerning security, accident prevention and occupational health and safety, all of which are based upon the “Security Management Manual” and “Occupational Health and Safety Manual / Health and Safety Manual” created in accordance with JSR’s security management regulations.
Internal audits are conducted within JSR’s business establishments to confirm the effectiveness of this management system. Additionally, an auditing team led by the president conducts annual Headquarters Environment and Safety Audits in plants and laboratories, and the heads of these plants and laboratories conduct annual management reviews, to verify the effectiveness of each site’s health-and-safety and security-management activities according to the management system.
Advancement Structure
Activity policies and action plans related to the JSR Group’s occupational health and safety, security management, and other matters are deliberated and formulated by the Responsible Care (RC) Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the officer in charge of environmental and safety affairs. The RC Committee also oversees the results of those activities. Please refer to the following link for more information about the Responsible Care (RC) Promotion Committee.
(2) Security and Accident Prevention Measures, Policy
JSR’s security and accident prevention measures treat security and accident prevention as integrally related to health and safety; thus, activities which emphasize the elements of both shared safety culture and safety infrastructure are promoted.
Philosophy and Courses of Action for Occupational Health and Safety
JSR has established a “Course of Action for the Philosophy for Occupational Health and Safety” which presents specific actions demanded of the company and each of its employees. It is based on the “Philosophy for Occupational Health and Safety” that is spelled out in the “Top Commitment” issued by JSR’s top management and which serves as the basis for creating workplaces where everyone can work “healthily,” “safely,” and “with peace of mind.”
At JSR Corporation, safety is our highest priority and the foundation of all of our activities.
Accordingly, we will create safe worksites and strive to maintain physical and mental health, with the goal of ensuring workers happily take it for granted that they will return home safely at the end of each workday.
- No matter the situation, we will act with safety foremost in mind.
- We will comply with established rules and never fail to act in accordance with safety basics.
- We will maintain safety by identifying and eliminating both actual and potential hazards.
- We will strive to create comfortable work environments and promote physical and mental health.
- Through communication and ingenuity, we will aim to achieve 100% employee participation in all safety activities.
Basic Policy for Security Management
JSR establishes a “Basic Policy for Security Management” that presents the company’s aim to be an accident-free organization, one in which all employees practice autonomous and proactive safety activities by accepting the “Philosophy for Occupational Health and Safety” and “Course of Action for the Philosophy for Occupational Health and Safety.”
(1) Extremely Safe Behavior
The Philosophy for Occupational Health and Safety has penetrated through the organization, the Course of Action are established as applying to everyone, and safety competency is improving through independent safety activities.
(2) Enhanced Human Resources and Organizational Strength
High personal skills, organizational ability, and a healthy organizational culture are being maintained with the establishment and execution of the education and training programs needed for organizational management.
(3) Optimal Risk Management and Security Measures
Security measures corresponding to risk importance are being efficiently and effectively implemented using new technologies.
2. Promotion of Risk Assessment (Security and Accident Prevention)
Risk management serves as the foundation for process safety and workplace safety, and an important part of risk management is risk assessment (risk identification and evaluation). At JSR, we incorporate HAZOP*1 as part of our plant risk assessment protocols, and, when combined with our conventional risk assessment protocols, this ensures the completeness of risk identification in terms of security and accident prevention, as well as workplace safety. The identified risks are prioritized according to their potential damage and rate of incidence, and countermeasures for each are developed and introduced into business site planning. In cases where a new and particularly large risk is identified, countermeasures are introduced on an expedited schedule to quickly mitigate the risk and ensure safety.
*1 HAZOP: An acronym for “Hazard and Operability Study.” It is a method of safety assessment used to identify the sources of hazards in processes and operations
3. Compliance Confirmation and Certification
(1) Compliance Confirmation
At every business site within the JSR Group, a department is assigned to handle legal and regulatory management, and it is the responsibility of these departments to identify applicable security management and occupational health and safety-related laws, regulations and ordinances, as well as standards and guidelines established for plants, and to then develop and implement procedures for raising awareness of these laws, etc., among employees and for ensuring ongoing compliance.
Please refer to the following link for more information about compliance confirmation.
(2) Certification Renewal
The JSR Yokkaichi Plant and Kashima Plant are scheduled to renew their high-pressure gas certification in FY2020.
Name of Certification | JSR Business Site | Certification Renewal Date |
< High Pressure Gas Safety Act > Accredited (Completion, Safety) Inspection Executor | Yokkaichi Plant | Sep. 2015 |
Kashima Plant | Mar. 2016 | |
Chiba Plant | Mar. 2017 | |
< Fire Service Act > Hazardous materials facility construction modification-related business site certification | Yokkaichi Plant | Mar. 2016 |
Kashima Plant | Mar. 2016 | |
Chiba Plant | Jun. 2017 | |
< Industrial Safety and Health Act > Class-1 pressure vessel operational inspection, boiler shut down inspection for periodic certification target site | Yokkaichi Plant | Mar. 2018 |
Kashima Plant | Jan. 2017 | |
Chiba Plant | Mar. 2018 |
4. Targets and Planning
(1) Medium-Term Plan for Health & Safety and Security Management
JSR uses a two-sided approach comprised of “safety infrastructure” (equipment, organizations, and mechanisms) and “safety culture” (people and climate) to help improve safety activities in our organization, recognizing that “safety infrastructure” + “safety culture” = “safety competency.” Towards that end, we have established and put into effect the “JSR Roadmap for Health & Safety and Security Management,” which is a medium-term plan to create safe, secure and accident-free workplaces via activities which promote the “re-cultivation of safety culture” and the development of human resources possessing strong safety awareness.
In FY2019, we amended our vision for JSR to include top-to-bottom penetration among all business sites of the “Philosophy for Occupational Health and Safety” and “Basic Policy for Security Management” and implementation of actions and activities based on them; thus, we have created and put into action an updated “JSR 2020 Roadmap for Health & Safety and Security Management” containing easier-to-understand activity goals and more concrete activity content.
JSR 2020 Roadmap for Health & Safety and Security Management
(2) Plant Safety Policy
We use the “Philosophy for Occupational Health and Safety” and “Course of Action for the Philosophy for Occupational Health and Safety” as the basis for establishing safety policies in each JST plant that are matched to the individual characteristics of each plant in terms of its organizational makeup, workplace environments, and other traits.
Safety Policy for the JSR Yokkaichi Plant
Safety Policy for the JSR Chiba Plant
Safety Policy for the JSR Kashima Plant
(3) Activity Targets
Based on the “JSR Roadmap for Health & Safety and Security Management,” we conducted safety inspections of our plants using HAZOP and other methods to enhance our management of process accident risks, and we implemented countermeasures to serious/major risks. All of this was carried out with the aim of ensuring “zero facility accidents (i.e. abnormal phenomena stipulated in the Act on the Prevention of Disaster in Petroleum Industrial Complexes and Other Petroleum Facilities)” in FY2019. Additionally, we undertake reviews of our countermeasures to severe natural disasters.
(4) Action Plans
We establish and implement annual action plans at each JSR business site, based on their individual policies and targets.
< FY2020 Activity Policy >
Implementation of focused and progressively intensifying activities which emphasize prioritization and total employee participation
< FY2020 Priorities >
- Promote risk management
- Eliminate unsafe behaviors and conditions
- Cultivate safe human resources
5. Education
(1) Security and Accident Prevention and Health and Safety Education
At JSR, we use hands-on safety and practical-skills courses in technical education, as well as “miniature plant” training, to improve security management-related knowledge, skills and sensitivity. We also work to improve employees’ knowledge, skills and sensitivity by providing education on health and safety as part of new employee training, mid-career employee training, and leadership training, which is in addition to that legally required under the Industrial Safety and Health Act.
In order to ensure the success of our education and training, we review the education and training structure, organize a safety education-related skill map and develop and maintain a safety education curriculum.
1) Implementation of Risk Assessment Training
At JSR, we facilitate the effectiveness of our risk management by conducting risk assessment training at each of our business sites to improve assessment precision, as well as by checking the validity of our safety measures. In addition, for serious risks, we create risk scenarios which we put to use for disaster prevention and damage mitigation.
2) Promotion of Education and Training Tailored to Workplace Accident-prone Job Ranks
At JSR, we implement hazard awareness skills improvement training at each of our business sites; this training is designed for new and inexperienced young workers, as well as for workers transferred from other workplaces. For veteran workers, we carry out physical limitations checks, as well as provide each workplace with an exercise regimen (a video created with health insurance union editorial supervision) which is used to promote good health and prevent injury.
These education and training activities are also introduced and provided to our Group companies as support for their safety activities.
3) Training Center for Skills and Hands-on Training
During FY2019, the JSR Yokkaichi Training Center ran 21 training sessions over 9,553 hours to provide a total of 619 participants (529 from JSR and 90 from Group companies) with education on manufacturing skills common to all plants. Additionally, 19 “miniature plant” training sessions were held at the same training center over 2,240 hours and were attended by 203 employees (159 from JSR and 44 from Group companies). On top of this, we complement the Yokkaichi Training Center training with hands-on training conducted at training centers outside of the JSR Group as well.
4) Introduction of VR Simulation Training
At JSR, we have started to carry out training on operational procedures using an environment simulated with virtual reality (VR). This allows us to simulate “frightening” situations in a way not possible with conventional training, thereby contributing to greater safety awareness and elimination of unsafe behaviors. Additionally, we are expanding VR simulation training to our Group companies and manufacturing partners as part of their safety education.
VR simulation training in action
Example of VR screen image
5) Safety Education via e-learning
In order to facilitate greater safety awareness and penetration of the Philosophy for Occupational Health and Safety and Basic Policy for Security Management company-wide, all JSR employees participate in e-learning. And in order to achieve even greater penetration, we develop promotion plans based on the results of e-learning, and then implement these on an ongoing basis.
(2) Organization and Education for Stable Plant Operation
1) Assessment of individual and organizational abilities
The Educational System (Conceptual Image)
2) Review of Plant Staff Evaluation Methods
We undertake reviews of our education and training systems and skills evaluation methods in order to ensure ongoing manufacturing-related human resources skills improvement. As part of this, in FY2019, we prepared and began utilizing a human resources development system comprised of an educational curriculum, qualification certification system and skills evaluation methodology that can be used to train staff in how to carry out tasks common to all business sites.
6. Communication with Local Communities and Society
JSR is a member of the Japan Chemical Industry Association, Japan Petrochemical Industry Association, Japan Society for Safety Engineering and Japan Safety Competency Center, and we engage in information exchange and information sharing, both in Japan and overseas, via the following responsible care and safety activities.
- Hold information exchange meetings with administrative bodies
- Hold/participate in disaster drills involving the fire department and nearby companies
- Participate alongside nearby companies in cooperative disaster prevention organizations
- Participate in local Disaster Prevention Councils
- Participate in responsible care community dialogs
In addition, our business sites both in Japan and overseas pursue communication with their local communities in order to facilitate mutual improvement in disaster prevention and safety-related awareness and technology.
Receipt of the Responsible Care Award from the Japan Chemical Industry Association
The Japan Chemical Industry Association presented JSR's Chiba and Kashima plants with the Responsible Care Award in recognition of the contributions to responsible care (RC) which their activities have made.
- FY2018 13th RC Award Excellence Award for “JSR Chiba Plant Safety Culture Cultivation Activities” (JSR Chiba Plant)
- FY2019 14th RC Award RC Special Recognition Award for “Exterior Corrosion Countermeasures Project Promotion” (JSR Kashima Plant)
Fire and Disaster Management Agency (FDMA) of the Japanese government
Presentation of Use Cases Involving Petrochemical Complex Disaster Response-related Advanced Technology
Activities undertaken by the JSR Yokkaichi and Chiba plants were reported as advanced technology use case examples at a meeting of the FDMA of Japan, to investigate advanced technology-driven responses to disasters at petrochemical complexes.
7. Activity Record
(1) Preparations for Severe Natural Disasters
Since FY1995, JSR has systemically implemented preparations for large earthquakes. And since FY2006, we have carried out seismic construction focused on high-pressure gas facilities in our plants, based on the results of seismic performance assessments. Also, as part of our commitment to putting “human lives first,” we have installed earthquake early-warning systems at all JSR business sites.
Moreover, after the Great East Japan Earthquake prompted us to review the size of assumed earthquakes, we formulated safety measures that included enhancement of seismic resistance and tsunami countermeasures. We are currently implementing those measures systematically. Our work on seismic reinforcement of spherical tank braces will be completed in FY2020.
(2) Preparation of a Security Management Manual
Previously, at JSR, the “Security Management Manual” was contained within the “Health and Safety Manual;” however, following a review carried out to make the systems and structures easier to understand, the content was separated between a “Security Management Manual” and an “Occupational Health and Safety Manual / Health and Safety Manual,” and they have been in effect since FY2019.
The information which is common to both security management and occupational health and safety is contained in both manuals to ensure it is not overlooked.
(3) Accident Prevention
With leakage accidents on the rise throughout the JSR Group, measures against facility corrosion and deterioration are of the utmost priority for each business site. We are therefore checking the soundness of relevant facilities and carrying out repairs in order of priority according to the level of leakage risk. In addition, we launched project activities aimed at eliminating leaks by reviewing our inspection and construction methods, putting particular priority on pipe frame contact points, and we investigated the introduction of new technology to strengthen countermeasures against, and prevention of, corrosion due to age-related degradation of facilities and other causes. The results and information obtained have not only been shared with other business sites but have also been externally disclosed as part of our responsible care activities.
Overview of the Pipe Exterior Corrosion Countermeasures Project
(4) Safety Culture Self-assessment
Based on the belief that effective safety relies upon having an effective safety culture and safety infrastructure, JSR is pursuing safety culture innovation with the goal of realizing the vision of the JSR Roadmap for Health & Safety and Security Management (medium-term plan) described above. And as a metric for regular monitoring of the maturation of safety culture, we create and use self-assessment questionnaires. These questionnaires are distributed once every three years, and the results are analyzed to identify potential weaknesses, as well as to facilitate self-review of safety culture maturation and measurement of safety activity results.
(5) Investment in Safety
JSR undertakes ongoing investment in safety. Please refer to the following link for more information about Workplace Accident Prevention, Age-related Equipment and Facilities Degradation and other Equipment and Facility Safety Investment.
8. Handling of Emergency Situations (Facility Accident Incidence and Analysis)
「The graph below shows the change over time in facility accident numbers, as reported to the government in compliance with the Act on the Prevention of Disaster in Petroleum Industrial Complexes and Other Petroleum Facilities.
In FY2019, there was one accident (leak) at JSR and five accidents (two fires, three leaks) at Group companies; this is the same level as the previous year. Holes caused by corrosion of pipelines were the main cause of the leaks; however, there were also fumes from chemical substances and fires. In addition to ongoing implementation of measures to counter age-related facility corrosion, we are reconfirming the safety of chemical substances.
As with information on workplace accidents, information on facility accidents that occurred at JSR is quickly and effectively communicated to all employees via the company intranet. The information is also used in cause analyses, with the results being incorporated into education and training so as to prevent occurrence of similar accidents in the future.
Number of Facility Accidents (JSR)
Number of Facility Accidents (Group Companies)
9. Inspection and Monitoring
(1) Auditing of Certified High Pressure Gas Business Sites
As part of FY2019 auditing, all of JSR’s certified business sites were checked to ensure that their security management systems were still in conformance.
Additionally, auditing of the certified high-pressure gas business sites of Group companies was also carried out as a cooperative effort to ensure proper operation of these sites’ security management systems.
FY2019 Auditing of Certified High Pressure Gas Business Site Headquarters | |
JSR (business site) | Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, Kashima Plant |
JSR Group Company (business site in Japan) | Japan Butyl |
(2) Safety Auditing
An auditing team led by the President conducts annual Headquarters Environment and Safety Audits in plants and laboratories. From FY2015 onward, stimulation of environmental and safety activities has been promoted by changing to an auditing style which incorporates sharing and discussion of the audited departments’ issues and, on top of this, by establishing opportunities for dialog between top management and employees where both sides can share their thoughts with one another.
The FY2019 Headquarters Safety Audit found an improvement over the previous year in the penetration of the “safety-first” mindset and in the level of business site safety activities practiced. In addition, risk assessment activities are becoming more entrenched, and application of their results to prevention training and to the handling of severe natural disasters is starting to be investigated.
Although information sharing between JSR business sites and departments and matching of assessment levels are being pursued, variations are still observed and, thus, improvement efforts are still ongoing.
FY2019 Headquarters Environment and Safety Audit Audited Departments | |
JSR (business site) | Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, Kashima Plant, Tsukuba Laboratory |
Cultivating Auditing Personnel
At JSR, we have revised the capability assessments and other criteria for auditing personnel in order to ensure that the results they obtain from dialog-based audits can still be effectively used to improve the audited departments. We continue to work hard to cultivate effective auditing personnel.
A dialog session with President Kawahashi (Tsukuba Laboratory)
President Kawahashi offering auditing-related remarks (Chiba Plant)
On-site inspection
Auditing session
Auditing session
(3) Group Company Safety Auditing
During the safety auditing of Group companies conducted in FY2019, we were able to both confirm the status of activity at each Group company, as well as facilitate the sharing of information. We also introduced productive activities undertaken by JSR. Moving forward, we will continue to provide support for initiatives tailored to the conditions at each Group company.
In addition, for our overseas Group companies, we do not adopt a conventional auditing approach; rather, in light of the fact that the conditions, laws and regulations in each country, as well as the challenges for the business sites located in them, are different from those in Japan, our approach is more of a combination of on-site visit coupled with an opportunity for safety information exchange. In FY2019, we visited JSR BST Elastomer (Thailand) and engaged in safety culture-related information exchange.
FY2019 Headquarters Environment and Safety Audit Audited Departments | |
JSR Group Company (Japan) | JSR Engineering, Techno-UMG, Kraton JSR Elastomers, JSR Life Science, Medical & Biological Laboratories |
FY2019 Overseas Group Company Safety Information Exchange Meetings Implementation Department | |
JSR Group Company (Overseas) | JSR BST Elastomer |
(4) Internal Auditing and Management Review by Plant and Business Site Heads
At least once a year, the head of each plant and business site conducts an internal audit and management review at his or her respective site. The plant or business site head performs a meticulous review of how well the plant or business site is acting on the findings and recommendations of the JSR Headquarters Safety Audit, described above, and how well it is acting on the site or department-specific challenges and action plans, and then he or she provides concrete guidance to promote further action.