
Human Rights

1. Philosophy

JSR Group recognizes the importance and supports the philosophy of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and accordingly respects human rights. We also understand that we must fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights in all of our business activities.

2. Advancement Structure

We promote respect for human rights as an activity guideline of the Corporate Ethics Committee. The Corporate Ethics Committee is charged with formulating and executing plans to promote human rights and verifying their progress.

3. Establishment of JSR Group’s Human Rights Policy

As the provisions of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights clearly state, companies have a social responsibility to take the lead in respecting human rights. Fulfilling this responsibility requires having guidelines that can provide the foundation for promoting respect for human rights and that are shared and understood throughout the entire group. JSR is a participant in Global Compact Network Japan’s Human Rights Due Diligence Subcommittee. As such, we have acquired knowledge that has proved useful in studying the ideal human rights policy for JSR Group. In September 2021, we established the “JSR Group’s Human Rights Policy” following a review by concerned divisions and Group companies in Japan and overseas. The review took into account the aims of the Government of Japan’s “National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights”. We have shared this new policy externally and to ensure that it becomes firmly embedded into the consciousness of each employee, we have used our internal intranet and special feature articles in the company newsletter. Going forward, JSR Group will study the introduction of a framework for “human rights due diligence” and effective initiatives in the supply chain.

JSR Group's Human Rights Policy (September 2021)

4. Response to Human Rights Issues

(1) Participation in Global Initiatives

JSR Group is a signatory and supporter of the United Nations Global Compact. We also actively participate in subcommittee activities provided by Global Compact Network Japan.

As participants in GCNJ’s Human Rights Due Diligence Subcommittee, we gather pertinent information through workshops and group work activities, and disseminate it throughout the company. In group work activities, we participated in a human rights policy group and presented a model case for newly formulating human rights policy under the theme of “our vision of the ideal framework for human rights policy.” In formulating the JSR Group’s Human Rights Policy, we applied insights that we acquired through these activities. As we believe this policy must continue to be understood and diffused throughout the entire Group, we decided to join GCNJ’s Human Rights Education Subcommittee in FY2021. We will utilize the knowledge we gain from these activities to consider the forms of education and training that are most appropriate.

(2) Respect for Human Rights in the Supply Chain

JSR Group also understands the necessity of promoting initiatives oriented toward respect for human rights not only within the Group, but across the entire supply chain as well. To put this into practice, we revised our questionnaire for suppliers in 2017 and incorporated relevant items on respect for human rights in the “JSR Group CSR/Sustainable Procurement Policy” established in 2018. Additionally, the “JSR Group’s Human Rights Policy” clearly states that we will continue to encourage our business partners in the supply chain to support this policy and adopt a similar policy.

JSR Group’s philosophy outlined in the above policies speaks for the requirements placed in companies by international society. JSR Group believes that it must share this philosophy with its business partners, and toward this end we have conveyed both policies to the Group’s main suppliers and began collecting consent forms stating their endorsement of the policies in FY2021.

We will continue taking the steps necessary to strengthen collaboration with partners in the supply chain and enhance our respect for human rights.

(3) Initiatives for Promoting Respect for Human Rights

JSR Group has established a Corporate Ethic Hotline for employees to serve as a remedy for employees who have been affected by harassment considered to be a violation of their human rights. In this manner, we have a system in place for redress and corrective action. Also, we have a Supplier Hotline for business partners whom we do business with regularly in an effort to quickly detect suspected violations of corporate ethics and provide redress or implement corrective action for any persons affected.

Further educating Group employees of human rights is essential to fulfilling our responsibilities in terms of respect for human rights. Starting in FY2022, we will begin providing ongoing e-learning on human rights, aiming to systematically educate our employees on human rights.

In FY2022,we plan to conduct the first installment of e-learning that teaches basic knowledge of human rights. Currently, we are in the process of selecting the organization to provide curriculum and once finalized we will roll out this program globally.