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CSR Report 2014

Risk Management

Basic Approach

The JSR Group believes that preventing a major crisis from occurring and minimizing its effects on business activities is an important role of management. The Group has formulated a Risk Management Policies and established a Risk Management Committee through which it actively pursues risk management activities.
The Risk Management Committee performs group-wide risk management and formulates response policies concerning actual and potential risks other than those arising in the normal course of business that are addressed in major conferences such as meetings of the Board of Directors*.

*Risks arising in the normal course of business that are addressed in major conferences, such as meetings of the Board of Directors, are strategic risks that include those associated with capital investment and M&A.

Risk Management Measures

RM seminar in the Head Office regionExcerpt from the Risk Bulletin Board

Since FY2010, the JSR Group has fulfilled group-wide annual risk management procedures using its unique risk management system under the initiative of the Risk Management Committee. For each division of JSR Group companies in and outside of Japan, we identify and evaluate all potential risks, and formulate measures to control such risks. We designate risks that may have a particularly serious impact on business continuity as “major company-wide risks.” The Risk Management Committee and the CSR Committee monitor progress in mitigating such risks.
In FY2014, we selected 12 major company-wide risks and implemented PDCA management for each of them. In April 2014, we launched the Risk Bulletin Board for the intranet to help employees increase their sensitivity to risk.

Reinforcement of the BCM System

Being aware of the significant social responsibility of business continuity, the JSR Group has put in place a BCM (business continuity management) system based on a scenario in which the operation of a plant was suspended for a certain period of time. We will gradually introduce the system at Group companies to strengthen BCM throughout the Group.

BCM Training

BCM TrainingBCM Training

In FY2014, we provided the first BCM training activities. Members of the BCP Headquarters assembled to learn the series of proper actions to take for the reinforcement of BCM, from activating the BCP to bringing the situation under control.

*1 BCM:Business Continuity Management/BCP:Business Continuity Plan
A BCP defines activities that need be conducted before the occurrence of an emergency situation that may threaten the survival of a company (large-scale natural disaster, explosion/fire, terrorist attack, etc.), judgment criteria and action guidelines that enable business continuity in the event of such emergencies, and other matters necessary for ensuring the continuity of important businesses and early restoration. BCM is a management system that has been developed to operate a BCP and continuously improve it through a PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle.

Preparations for a Major Earthquake

The JSR Group adopted a mid-term business plan in FY1996 concerning preparations for a major earthquake and has been conducting systematic activities to enhance those preparations. In FY2007, we revised the mid-term business plan, began a seismic retrofitting project focused on high-pressure gas facilities in our plants, and installed an earthquake early-warning system at all JSR business sites.
Based on lessons learned from the experience of the Great East Japan Earthquake, we are further reinforcing the anti-seismic capabilities of our buildings and implementing safety measures by incorporating the perspective of countermeasures against tsunamis.
Specifically, the main building of our Yokkaichi Plant, which was completed in December 2013, uses two types of seismic isolation systems—a laminated rubber system and an oil damper—that can endure a 600 gal earthquake. Superior earthquake measures adopted by the building include the grid-form ground improvement method to prevent liquefaction. The building also houses an anti-disaster warehouse, as well as space to which headquarter functions can be transferred when the Head Office in Tokyo is affected by a disaster, and can function as one of the tsunami evacuation shelters in Yokkaichi City.

Safety Confirmation System

In FY2010, we introduced a safety confirmation system to promptly confirm the safety of our employees in the event of a large-scale earthquake or other disaster. In FY2012, we expanded the system's coverage to our Group companies and the families of our employees.

Infection preparedness

In the case of an epidemic and the spread of influenza and other infections, we stockpile drugs and masks.

Information Security

The JSR Group adopted an Information Security Policy and is working to implement appropriate information management by informing all personnel of the policy.

Information Security Policy

  • The JSR Group (the corporate group consisting of JSR Corporation and its subsidiaries) will observe laws and other social norms relating to the handling of information belonging to the Group and its customers, business partners, and other third parties, and will protect that information in appropriate ways.
  • The JSR Group will strive to develop and actively use its information assets for the efficient execution of its business. The Group's officers and employees will only use these information assets for the purposes of their work and within the scope of their authority.
  • The JSR Group will improve organizations and systems, provide education on information security, thoroughly disseminate this policy and related regulations, and implement measures to ensure information security.
  • The JSR Group will implement appropriate human, organizational, and technological measures and work to prevent unauthorized access to information assets from outside the company, as well as leaks, falsification, loss, theft and destruction of information assets.
  • If an information security-related problem occurs, the JSR Group will promptly identify the cause and take measures to minimize damage and prevent recurrences.
  • The JSR Group will periodically assess and review its information security measures to respond appropriately to changes in external environments.


CSR Report 2014