The Corporate Mission of JSR Group "Materials Innovation - We create value through materials to enrich society, people and the environment".
We believe that an important role of JSR Group is to offer innovative materials and excellent products that meet our customers' needs through communication with them and to contribute to the making of a better society.
We also link communication with our business partners to improvements in our business activity.
We strive to make necessary improvements by having our customers evaluate us in terms of management effectiveness, product development, product quality, technical and sales support, and other areas through customer satisfaction questionnaires. Even though we routinely receive positive scores mainly in product quality, technical and sales support, and other areas, we will remain dedicated to accepting our customers' evaluations with sincerity and further improving product quality and satisfaction so that we may constantly meet changing quality demands.
We aim to be a company that is trusted by its customers. One way we do this is by responding to questionnaires concerning CSR that are submitted to us by the RBA*1 and our customers.
*1 RBA: Responsible Business Alliance (formerly the EICC) An industrial organization that works to improve sustainability in the electronics industry.
The Specialty Elastomer Department in our Elastomers Business actively supplies information to our customers in Japan by issuing monthly market reports that cover raw materials trends and other pertinent matters.
JSR Corporation was awarded Intel's 2017 Preferred Quality Supplier (PQA) award. The PQS award is an honor Intel presents to companies that have relentlessly pursued excellence and conducted business with resolute professionalism.
Jacklyn Sturm, Vice President of the Technology and Manufacturing Group and General Manager of Global Supply Management at Intel, says, "The dynamic nature of our business necessitates continuous improvement and an unrelenting focus on quality. As Intel transitions to become a more data centric company, our award-winning suppliers are embracing the most difficult challenges with rapid innovation and bold strategies."
To qualify for PQS status, suppliers must exceed high expectations and uncompromising performance goals while scoring at least 80 percent on an integrated report card that assesses performance throughout the year. Suppliers must also achieve 80 percent or greater on a challenging continuous improvement plan and demonstrate solid quality and business systems.
At Global Supplier Day 2017, held on November 8, 2017, Corporate Vice President Quality Management Andreas Heitzer of Infineon Technologies, a world leader in semiconductor solutions (on the right in the photo) presented JSR Micro N.V. with his company's Best Quality Award 2017. This prestigious award recognizes Infineon's most outstanding supplier. It was presented to JSR Micro N.V. in appreciation for its long service as a high-quality supplier.
On the left is JSR Micro N.V.'s President, Bart Denturck
The trophy awarded to JSR Micro N.V.
Each year, we present Suppliers Awards to business partners who procure raw materials related to our Digital Solutions Business. We present this award to convey to our partners our desire "to raise value and achieve growth in mutual cooperation with them" and to express our gratitude for their cooperation over the years.
In presenting the award, JSR's research departments, manufacturing technology departments, procurement departments, and business departments evaluate business partners according to their own criteria (e.g., ability to present new proposals, supply performance, quality, cost, ability to meet deadlines, etc.) and provide feedback. We then choose the business partner that scores the highest for the award.
We also share the results of this process within the company and use them as a point of reference when studying raw materials needed for new product development.
Since 2013, we have been holding annual meetings with our agencies. The purposes of these meetings are to nurture a sense of unity with our agencies with an eye to strengthening sales and to improve their knowledge of our products by sharing problems, grasping raw materials trends, and introducing products. We also recognize domestic and overseas agencies that have made particularly noteworthy contributions to global sales.
An agency meeting
Click here to read our Philosophy.
JSR is actively working on reshaping its corporate culture based on the principles of freedom and discipline. Our corporate culture-related activities are comprised of cultivation, on-the-job training (OJT) promotion, and communication improvement. "Cultivation" works to help managers and subordinates develop together as individuals by promoting inter-personal communication and encouraging managers to provide their subordinates with more opportunities for independence. "OJT promotion" aims to spread preparedness to implement OJT and its philosophy among employees through training. And "communication improvement" creates opportunities for regular informal workplace gatherings and Group get-togethers.
JSR also introduced a biannual employee awards program. The "Nice Support Award" recognizes employees who play significant behind-the-scenes roles in the organization's smooth performance; in other words, roles that cannot be measured in ordinary performance-based personnel evaluations. The "Nice Try Award" recognizes those who have contributed to fostering a corporate culture in which all employees are bettering able to take on new challenges without fear of failure.
2017 (first half) | 2017 (second half) | |
Nice Support Award | 96 | 100 |
Nice Try Award | 88 | 90 |
Every three years since FY2004, JSR has conducted group wide surveys on employee awareness and satisfaction in regards to the company, workplace, and work itself. By monitoring these levels, we are able to provide employees with the aggregated survey results, and corporate feedback. We also actively use the survey's results when designing and implementing policies. Starting with FY2010, we added questions to better assess our employees' awareness and comprehension of JSR's Corporate Mission, Diversity, and Work-life Management and are now using the results to promote these initiatives. We conducted the fifth survey in FY2016 and plan the next one for FY2019.
The surveys' results are reported at JSR Board of Directors meetings. In the 2016 survey, the most recent, the response rate was high at 96.6%, indicating a trend toward stronger interest in the company's future.
Additionally, employee satisfaction rose compared to the 2010 and 2013 levels, which is believed to show that human resource development that stresses corporate culture reform and dialogue have become part of the corporate culture.
JSR provides opportunities for employees to discuss the Corporate Mission directly with the company's executives.
In each meeting, lively and frank exchanges of opinion took place regarding issues such as how their departments and their own work was creating value and contributing to society based on the Corporate Mission.
In addition to executive exchange meetings, various opportunities were offered to consider the Corporate Mission during training courses for employees at all levels and employees participated in group workshops. Activities to ensure penetration of Corporate Mission are now in their 7th year. We will continue with activities designed to increase the level of familiarity with and improve understanding of the Corporate Mission.
A stratified training program
An explanatory briefing (JSR's Chiba Plant)
To promote the company's CSR and responsible care (environment and safety) activities among all employees, JSR organizes RC & CSR explanatory briefings. Every year, the officers in charge and other managers visit each business site to report the results of RC activities and share and exchange views on upcoming issues.
JSR business establishment (including domestic Group companies) | Date |
Head office | October 31 and November 7, 2017 |
Yokkaichi Plant | September 22, 2017 |
Chiba Plant | October 19, 2017 |
Kashima Plant | September 8, 2017 |
Tsukuba Research Laboratories | October 11, 2017 |
CSR explanatory briefings are also scheduled at some overseas Group companies. We plan to continue holding briefings in the future.
Group company | Date |
JSR Taiwan Branch (Taiwan) | March 20, 2017 |
JSR Micro Taiwan Co., Ltd. (Taiwan) | March 21, 2017 |
JSR (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (China) | March 21, 2017 |
JSR Micro Korea Co., Ltd. (South Korea) | March 22, 2017 |
JSR BST Elastomer Co., Ltd. (Thailand) | April 20 and 21, 2017 |
We also hold annual CSR Report Presentation meetings at each site for all domestic divisions, including Group companies, to further spread awareness of CSR. Each department reads the CSR reports to prepare for the creation of CSR goals for the following year and analyze the impact of their department on society. The CSR Department then analyzes the philosophies of each workplace and provides feedback to employees as part of their CSR activities.
JSR Group has been involved in various social contribution programs with a focus on community activities. In January 2009 we established our "Philosophy to Social Contribution" as a philosophy aimed at further strengthening our activities. We are currently implementing the initiatives outlined in this philosophy.
Additionally, in 2010 we established "standards for making donations to disasters" in order to stipulate evaluation criteria when making donations to natural disasters. This brought greater clarity to standards and allows contributions to be made promptly and fairly.
JSR Social Contribution Committee plans and executes activities that promote JSR Group's standing as a good corporate citizen.
The following section describes some of our main social and community activities for FY2017.
JSR Group has long been an active participant in blood donation activities at both domestic and overseas offices and plants. In FY2016, Emulsion Technology Co., Ltd. received a letter of appreciation from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare for its many years of cooperation in promoting blood donation activities.
Following last year, JSR Micro Korea Co., Ltd. (South Korea) joined with companies in the Ochang Scientific Industrial Complex to visit and donate fruit to nearby senior citizens' welfare centers in September 2017.
A collection box (Tokyo)
The JSR Group has been conducting a foreign coin collection campaign since 2009 to assist a program that supports children around the world through the Japan Committee for UNICEF. Collection boxes for this purpose have been set up on the Tokyo, Yokkaichi, and Tsukuba Districts.
These coins are effectively utilized to protect the life, health, and rights of children in developing countries.
On Disaster Drill Day every September, offices in JSR Group's Tokyo District take stock of their emergency supplies. Old stored hardtack and water are replaced with new supplies. While some of these supplies are consumed through sample tasting or on other occasions, some are donated by employees and sent to the Second Harvest Japan (2HJ) food bank, a certified non-profit corporation. This helps ensure effective use of the hardtack and water, which has a shelf life of at least one month.
2HJ receives donations of food that would otherwise be disposed of for various reasons from corporations, farmers, and individuals, and sends them to welfare facilities and other organizations in need.
Since October 2010, the Yokkaichi Plant has been participating in aluminum can collection activities for social welfare organizations that help people with disabilities in Yokkaichi City learn to become self-sufficient. These welfare organizations include the "i-project," which targets children, and "Tanpopo," which targets adults. Aluminum cans are useful to multi-functional work environments that incorporate can-crushing activities into their processes. The collection of aluminum cans helps children with disabilities make connections with other people and society, and become more independent. We plan to continue participating in this activity.
Plastic bottle cap and aluminum can collection boxes (JSR Yokkaichi Plant)
In the Tokyo and Yokkaichi Districts and at JM Energy, JSR Group collects plastic bottle caps that would ordinarily be incinerated as waste and sells them to recycling companies. The funds earned through this activity are then used to provide vaccinations to children around the world.
JSR Group's Tokyo and Yokkaichi Districts have participated in the Table for Two (TFT) program since February 2010. The TFT program provides food to children in Africa through the sharing of meals. When a participant purchases TFT-specified food, it will provide both a healthy food alternative and an opportunity to donate 20 yen per meal, which is enough to pay for a single serving in developing countries with school lunch programs. In addition, Cup for Two beverages are also offered through vending machines at JSR Yokkaichi Plant.
We make donations to medical care support programs such as the Japan branch of the Médecins Sans Frontières NGO to provide treatment for HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases such as cholera and malaria.
JSR is developing 3D-printed gloves for wheelchair racing as part of our 3D printing and material technology business operations.
We are supporting Para-athlete organizations such as Socio Soejima (representative: Masazumi Soejima) doing business training and assisting wheelchair athletes. In June 2018, we donated 650 kg of FABRIAL™ (filament for 3D printing) to Kukuri Co., Ltd. (president: Miyuki Soejima, operated by Masazumi Soejima). The donated FABRIAL™ is being used to make 3D-printed gloves for wheelchair athletes.
The Human Resources Fostering Program in Chemistry was created by the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) in October 2010. It is based on a proposal made in a report prepared in April of the same year by the "Kagaku Bijon Kenkyukai" (chemistry vision study group) of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The program informs universities of the chemical industry's human resources needs. Then industry supports the university courses that can meet these needs and their students. Its purpose is to develop the young people who will serve as the foundation for stronger international competitiveness and industrial promotion in Japan's chemical industry. We use the program to support courses engaged in outstanding initiatives and their students.
We support young researchers by sponsoring the TBS TV/CBS TV mini-series "Mirai no Kigen (Origin for the Future)."
JSR Group provides support for next-generation development and education opportunities through our continued efforts to provide education and internship opportunities to students both in Japan and abroad. We also provide career experience opportunities.
In September and November of 2017, employees of JSR's Yokkaichi Plant visited two local elementary schools to teach science lessons for a total of 141 children.
Moreover, in October 2017 and again in January 2018, we provided a lesson on "Learning about Global Warming Prevention from a Company" to a total of 111 children at two local elementary schools through a joint program with Yokkaichi City.
Elementary school science lessons | Sept. 29, 2017 | Utsube Higashi Elementary School | 94 students |
Nov. 9, 2017 | Kawarada Elementary School | 47 students | |
Learning about Global Warming Prevention from a Company | Oct. 19, 2017 | Shiohama Elementary School | 25 students |
Jan. 23, 2018 | Utsube Higashi Elementary School | 86 students |
In October 2017, employees of JSR's Kashima Plant gave lessons for three different classes of second-year students (75 students) at Hasaki Daiichi Junior High School in Kamisu City. Three experiments titled "Synthetic Rubber," "Balls that Bounce and Balls that Don't," and "Unbreakable Plastic" were performed in the classes. The instructors used JSR's mascot—known as Mr. Molecule—to help explain the peculiarities of materials and the relationship between molecules.
The Yokkaichi Plant accepted nine students from a nearby high school for a workplace experience program. The participants learned about work and safety in the plant through a plant tour and practical activities in a miniature plant.
Practice operation in the miniature plant
Safety training
As part of our efforts to promote collaboration between industry and academia*, every year, the Chiba Plant holds presentations at the Nihon University College of Industrial Technology. On October 26, 2017, it presented a course titled "The Properties and Manufacturing Processes of Rubber and Quality Assurance" that attracted a great number of students.
* Ichihara City's program to strengthen collaboration between industry and academia
Since 2014, the Yokkaichi Plant, with cooperation from JSR Group and JSR Labor Union, has participated in the "Memory Book Bag (Randoseru) for Children in Afghanistan" event held by JOICFP, an NGO engaged in international cooperation. Through the event, we donate unused school bags to underprivileged children in Afghanistan to assist their education. The event's aim is to help give children the knowledge and information they need to keep themselves and their families healthy by attending school and learning to read and write. In FY2017, we again donated book bags as well as pencils, notebooks, and other stationery. We will remain involved with the event, viewing it as a social contribution activity in which individual employees can participate.
JSR Group continues to help with local clean-up activities of roads, coastlines, and rivers at domestic and overseas offices and plants.
Following last year, JSR BST Elastomer (Thailand) again participated in the International Coastal Cleanup event organized by the Ocean Conservancy NPO based in the US. In 2017, 75 employees and their families helped clean Mae Ram Phueng Beach and Namrin Payung Beach in cooperation with other companies located in the same industrial park, other local businesses, educational institutions, and community volunteers.
This event is held on the third Saturday in September all around the world to clean beaches, lakes, seas, and rivers in various countries. The participation of nearly 500,000 people in 91 different countries makes this one of the largest marine conservation project in the world.
JSR's Yokkaichi Plant participates in coastal cleanup activities on Toshijima, an island in Toba City, Mie Prefecture.
These activities began in FY2012 and have continued each year since. Companies and organizations that are members of the Mie Prefecture Industrial Waste Solutions Promotion Committee and environmental administration of Mie Prefecture participate. JSR's Yokkaichi Plant serves as an executive member company of the committee.
In October 2017, JSR's Yokkaichi Plant participated in the Mie Leading Industry Exhibition, an event sponsored by Mie Prefecture.
It is one of the largest industrial exhibitions in Mie Prefecture, bringing together companies and organizations from a broad range of sectors—from cutting-edge fields to community-based industry. The 2017 exhibition was the 15th held thus far. JSR's booth was visited by representatives of the prefectural government and city offices, personnel from private enterprises (including fellow exhibitors), students, and members of the general public. The exhibit provided an excellent opportunity for everyone to learn more about JSR Group.
The Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) RC committee holds regional dialogue meetings all over Japan as part of its RC initiatives. Participants include local residents, educators, civil servants, and members from various other organizations. They provide an opportunity to introduce participating companies, to explain their everyday safety and environmental measures to local residents to bolster their understanding and peace of mind, and to respond to residents' concerns and questions.
In FY2016, discussions were held in Yokkaichi and Kashima. In Kashima's case, we contributed to the discussion's management by serving as the chair company. The next discussion is scheduled to take place in FY2018.
Regional discussion on responsible care in Yokkaichi (held in FY2016)
JSR Harmony Festa is held in the Yokkaichi District every year to bring JSR Group and their families together with residents in the local area. Having become a local custom, the event was attended by some 1,800 people in FY2017. Many fun and interesting activities were featured, including various sports and games, soccer lessons, and workshops. The stage was the setting for a dance performance and musical performances by junior high school bands in Yokkaichi City.
The Otsukado Performing Arts Preservation Society in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture is committed to preserving the old tradition of Tsunabi, which dates back to the Edo Period. Tsunabi is a traditional play that combines puppets and fireworks. The play is enacted with wooden dolls wrapped in fireworks that hang from a string. This play is performed for the public every year at the Grand Festival at Hitokotonushi Shrine in Otsukado. Elastimix donates to this preservation society to help keep this tradition alive.
On February 22, 2018, we held a "Tohoku reconstruction support market and wine sale with JSR Trading" at JSR's Head Office for the second year in a row.
Held as a joint CSR program by JSR and JSR Trading Co., Ltd., a member of JSR Group, this collaborative undertaking featured sales of specialty products from three Tohoku prefecture that were stricken by the Great East Japan Earthquake (Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima) and tasting and sales of wines imported by JSR Trading. Seven businesses from the three Tohoku prefectures set up sales stands. Several hundred people from both inside and outside the company visited and enjoyed purchasing products while talking to the stand operators. Sales were brisk, with some products selling out almost immediately.
Six years after the Great East Japan Earthquakes, the affected areas continue to move from the reconstruction phase to the business promotion phase. Nonetheless, more than 75,000 people* continue to live as evacuees, and thus the road to recover has only just begun. In addition to making a contribution to society through our business activities, we will continue to actively meet society's requirements and resolve social issues as a responsible member of society.
* The number of evacuees is as of January 16, 2018 (announced by the Reconstruction Agency on January 30, 2018).
Cooperation: Office for disaster victim support coordination, Reconstruction Agency, FY2017, and Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
JSR actively supports employees voluntarily participating in social contribution activities. Employees can take up to five days of paid leave per year as a part of our paid volunteer leave system. This allows employees to participate in social contribution activities that occur during working hours.
·Click here for actual usage value of the volunteer leave system
Added in December 2018
By maintaining and enhancing management efficiency, transparency and soundness, we strive to continuously create corporate value and make ourselves even more attractive to our shareholders.
Our most important challenges are to strengthen our R&D activities from a long-term perspective, increase our competitiveness by developing new businesses, and maintain continuous growth in our business performance.
We are also working hard to enhance corporate governance with the aim of developing a trusted and attractive corporate culture. Management transparency and soundness are being boosted, and management monitoring and oversight functions are being strengthened through the appointment of independent outside directors and auditors.
Code of Conduct to fulfill Responsibility to Shareholders
JSR Group strives to promote investor relations (IR) with due consideration for our shareholders and investors, and to disseminate information regarding business situation and corporate policies promptly and accurately.
Panel exhibition at a shareholders' meeting
JSR Group has implemented a variety of measures to facilitate the exercise of shareholder voting rights. These include the holding of the general shareholders' annual meeting at an earlier date to avoid the typical peak period of shareholders' meetings, earlier notification for the meeting, the adoption of a voting system via Internet, participation in electronic platforms for the exercise of voting rights by institutional investors, the listing of invitations to shareholders' meetings on our website in both Japanese and English, and the introduction of smartphone compatibility.
We aim to make documents attached to invitations to our shareholders' meetings easy to understand. To this end, we provide not only legally required content, but also other useful information, such as information regarding our products and an overview of our mid-term business plan. Additionally, we make effective use of graphs, photographs, and color printing.
We also employ various methods to enhance understanding of JSR at ordinary general meetings of shareholders. They include displaying panels that present JSR, explaining our business conditions with visual and audio media, and presenting a briefing on the mid-term business plan by the President.
IR meetings
In addition to conducting briefings on our business results after each quarter, we also organize seminars for investment institutions and analysts as well as various other events to achieve extensive bi-directional communication with shareholders and investors.
In FY2017, we participated in several seminars for corporate investment analysts. We hold a total of nearly 250 meetings for investors in Japan and overseas per year. Feedback on opinions and questions received through these meetings is shared with management on a regular basis.
With regard to the global development of JSR Group companies, we voluntarily introduced IFRS* from March 2018 in an effort to improve the comparability of financial information regarding international capital markets.
* International Financial Reporting Standards
On February 21, 2018, we held a briefing on JSR Group's Life Sciences Business for securities company analysis and members of the mass media. We also conducted an observation tour of the JSR-Keio University Medical and Chemical Innovation Center (JKiC), which is a joint research facility run by JSR and Keio University's School of Medicine.
During the Life Sciences Business briefing, we presented the business's positioning within JSR and our strategy for it; the circumstances of the biopharmaceuticals market, which is the business's client market; and the globally growing collaboration among Group companies that is being achieved through acquisitions. And during the tour of JKiC, which is built in the grounds of Keio University's School of Medicine, we helped participants get a better understanding of the center by presenting its facilities and research.
Our website provides information regarding stock price, news, and other topics in a timely manner
In order to provide the latest information regarding our financial and business performances, JSR Group's website contains the section, "Investor Relations (IR)." This section includes the latest IR information, news releases, and the latest stock price information, which are indicated in a way that is easy to see. The section also presents various types of IR information, including documents regarding our business results, annual reports, IR news, information related to our stocks, documents regarding our shareholders' meetings, and our company information for individual investors. We strive to provide necessary information in a timely and easy-to-understand manner.
We publish an annual report every year regarding the relevant fiscal year's financial results, and management and business situations.
We send the "JSR Throughout Society (available only in Japanese) " brochure to our shareholders. This brochure aims to help our shareholders to understand that our Group's products are used extensively for a wide range of materials and parts needed in society. The brochure explains how our products are utilized in leading-edge fields such as fuel-efficient tires, smart phones, and life sciences field.
The number of JSR shareholders was 14,811 as of March 31, 2018; shareholder composition is as follows:
* The shareholding ratio is calculated by using 222,591,366 shares (calculated by deducting the number of treasury shares (3,534,779 shares) from the total number of issued shares) and then rounding off at the third decimal place.