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JSR Group respects human rights and prohibits discrimination by establishing the following codes of conduct for human rights and labor in the JSR Group Principles of Corporate Ethics.
1) We will respect and uphold basic human rights, such as United Nations "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights", United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", declared internationally and protected under the constitutions and legal precedents of respective countries, and will not infringe on basic human rights.
2) We will abide by national and international labor codes and respect workers' right of association and right for collective negotiation in the realm of basic labor rights.
3) We shall never allow child labor or forced compulsory labor, whether at JSR Group or in the workplaces of business partners and collaborating companies.
1) We shall ensure the fair treatment of employees, based on each person's tasks, roles, and level of commitment.
2) We shall respect the diversity of our workforce and make efforts to create a workplace environment that enables every employee to make the best use of their abilities and to find a rewarding sense of satisfaction in their work.
3) We shall respect the human rights and diverse characteristics of all individuals, and shall not discriminate against gender, age, nationality, race, ethnic group, origin, religion, beliefs, social status, physical disability, sexual orientation, or other relevant conditions when determining employment status and/or working conditions.
4) We shall not force religion and/or belief on others.
5) We shall provide a workplace free from sexual harassment and any harassment arising from positions of power. In addition, we will not engage in or make verbal comments with sexual connotations that will make counterparts feel uncomfortable.
6) We shall strive to maintain and improve safety and hygiene levels for all relevant parties, based on our belief that "safety is of utmost importance to everyone working in manufacturing and the bedrock of business activities." Additionally, we shall pay sufficient attention to the maintenance of the mental and physical health of ourselves and those we work with.
7) In the event that a staff member reports a violation or possible violation of the law and/or the Principles of Corporate Ethics to his/her superiors and/or internal/external hotline, we shall fully protect the said staff member's identity and protect him or her from unfavorable treatment.
8) We will provide a work environment that facilitates flexible "work-life management" for employees, and strive to improve both productivity and employee satisfaction.
Established under the CSR Committee, the Corporate Ethics Committee is charged with formulating and executing plans to promote human rights and verifying their progress.
The JSR Group Principles of Corporate Ethics spells out our commitment to respecting workers' right of association and right for collective bargaining. In keeping with this, labor union representatives and management have regular discussions to exchange opinions and conduct Q&A sessions regarding the management environment, business conditions, major company policies, and labor union activities. They then disclose the content of these discussions to union members.
In line with "1. Philosophy," we promote initiatives for utilizing the diversity of our employees, without discrimination in terms of employment or labor conditions.
We are enhancing the objectivity and accuracy of our management of employees' work hours by bringing in an electronic time and attendance system that objectively records working hours, non-work days, and other data.
JSR Group has set up an internal reporting system called the "Corporate Ethics Hotline." We have established contact points for both internal and external reporting (namely, outside lawyers and an independent and specialized outside organization), and feed back information on responses and results from the contact points that received reports to the reporters.
We ascertain our suppliers' activities concerning human rights and labor by conducting a CSR/sustainable procurement questionnaire. We have also introduced a suppliers' hotline.
JSR Group signed the Global Compact advocated by the UN and endeavors to act responsibly as a global enterprise in international society.
The JSR Group Principles of Corporate Ethics expressly present a Code of Conduct for Respecting Human Rights for the purpose of ensuring our responsible behavior.