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JSR consumed approximately 14,238,000 cubic meters of industrial water, groundwater*1, and tap water in FY2017.
30% of this volume was recycled effectively for use in various work processes at each plant. Key goals include the implementation of initiatives to improve water resource management and maintain the current level of water recirculation and reuse. The Yokkaichi Plant participates in the Yokkaichi Region Environment Council and continues to reduce water usage through the sharing of information on new water quality regulations.
*1 Groundwater is not used at the Yokkaichi and Chiba Plants.
(x 103 m3/year)
FY | 1998 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Industrial water | 15,196 | 14,733 | 14,359 | 14,190 | 13,916 | 13,667 |
Ground water | 533 | 234 | 357 | 253 | 354 | 393 |
Tap water | 174 | 147 | 139 | 138 | 153 | 178 |
Total Water Consumption | 15,903 | 15,114 | 14,855 | 14,581 | 14,423 | 14,238 |
Intensity index*2 | 100 | 102 | 108 | 108 | 106 | 100 |
Usage of recycling water | 0 | 4,496 | 4,249 | 4,159 | 4,193 | 4,250 |
Effective recycling ratio (%) | 0 | 29.7 | 28.6 | 28.5 | 29.1 | 29.8 |
Seawater (coolant) | 60,731 | 59,830 | 57,395 | 54,725 | 55,413 | 55,011 |
*2 FY1998 represents the 100 level.
[(fiscal year water consumption)/(annual production volume for the fiscal year)]/[(FY1998 water consumption)/(FY1998 production volume)]x100
JSR performs rigorous wastewater management at all of its plants, and strives to maintain and improve water quality. JSR is in full compliance with the 7th Total Pollutant Load Control that was put into operation in April 2012. We will continue to strictly monitor water quality and strive to further reduce our impact on water in keeping with the 8th water-use regulations.
Groundwater (Environmental Quality Standards for Groundwater Pollution) and soil (major items regulated under environmental standards) at all three of our plants are periodically inspected. As in previous years, no problems were found in FY2017.