JSR Group formulated the following "JSR Group Mid-Term CSR Plan JSR20i9" based on a vision of itself vis-à-vis CSR around the year 2030. The plan is linked to the "JSR Group Mid-Term Business Plan" that came into effect in FY2017.
Basic Issues in JSR Group's Corporate Activity | Long-term goals (to 2030) | Initiatives under JSR20i9 | Goals under JSR20i9 | Related SDGs |
Corporate Governance |
A firm management system oriented toward sustainable growth is functioning and trusted by society. |
Continued response to the Corporate Governance Code and improved effectiveness |
- Expansion of opportunities to provide information to stakeholders
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Compliance |
Behaviors that are based on pride and responsibility are being practiced by executives and employees throughout JSR Group. |
- Compliance with the laws and regulations of all countries
- Precise response to legal revisions
- Reinforcement of monitoring
- Continued instruction on corporate ethics
- Reinforcement of legal compliance in major countries
- Continued implementation of education on laws and regulations, public announcement of cases of inappropriate behavior within the Group, and stronger awareness of compliance and corporate ethics with the CSR explanatory briefings
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Risk Management |
Responses for reducing risk and preparations for emergencies are ready throughout the entire Group. |
- Risk is understood and shared throughout the entire Group and appropriate measures are established
- Reinforcement of information security
- Identification of risks corresponding to changes and application of PDCA to them
- Formulation of business continuity plans for domestic Group companies
- Reduction in the number of information risk cases
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Social Issues Attributable to JSR Group's Corporate Activity | Long-term goals (to 2030) | Initiatives under JSR20i9 | Goals under JSR20i9 | Related SDGs |
Health and Safety Initiatives |
JSR's safety culture is developed, the value of "safety first" reaches all employees, and safe and secure workplaces are maintained. |
- Safety foundation
Reinforcement of the safety foundation for eliminating workplace accidents and process accidents
- Safety culture
Penetration of safety values and maintenance of personnel
- Shift from "reactive"* approach in which action is taken only after something happens
- Laying of groundwork for a shift from "dependent"* approach (focusing on own tasks only and leaving the rest to others) to "independent"* approach (each person takes the lead in safety activity)
* Safety culture evaluation indicator based on DuPont's "Integrated Approach for Safety" |
Environmental Impact Reduction |
- Reduced impact on the air environment
- Steady reduction of chemical substance emissions
(VOC, PRTR, etc.)
- Continuation of management using per-unit-of-sales index
- Reduction of chemical substance emissions
(VOC, PRTR, etc.)
- SOx, NOx, and dust emissions: Continued management using per-unit-of-sales index (not to worsen compared to the present state)
- VOC emissions, PRTR emissions: Formulation of continuous improvement measures
(Clarification of direction of improvement through improvement of material balance precision and screening of reduction measures)
Climate Change Mitigation |
Continued contribution toward achieving the Paris Agreement's goals and development of a low-carbon society
(CO2 emissions: Achieve reductions with attention to government goals) |
Promotion of lower CO2 emissions and energy savings in response to the Paris Agreement |
- Promotion of efforts for reductions with attention to government goals
- 1% annual reduction in specific energy consumption in line with the Energy Savings Act
Water Resources Conservation |
Impact on water resources is reduced to near zero in all areas and sustainable water use becomes possible. |
- Higher recycling rate and contribution to biodiversity preservation with better water quality preservation technology and facilities
- Higher water use efficiency
- Wastewater: Response to the 8th water use regulations (YP) and continuous improvement in the use-per-unit-of-sales index (COD, total phosphorus, total nitrogen)
- Intake water: Maintenance of current amount of recycled water
Waste Reduction |
Reduced total amount of generated waste
15% reduction compared to the FY2013 level by 2030 |
Reduction of amount of waste generated, including waste discharged from outside worksites |
- Amount of waste for final disposal: Continued landfill percentage of all generated waste of no more than 0.05%
- Total discharged amount: Continuous improvement toward long-term goal
(The target during the mid-term plan will be roughly 1/3 of the long-term goal.)
Human Rights |
- Human rights-related issues that must be addressed in the Group and globally are identified and being addressed.
- Human rights issues in major suppliers are understood.
Promotion of and response to human rights due diligence |
- Introduction of systematic implementation of human rights training (implemented for three years for all executives and employees)
- Implementation of surveys based on an "expanded version of CSR/sustainable procurement" for major suppliers and 100% application of feedback
Labor Environment |
Highly motivated workplaces where employees have job satisfaction, where pride and morals are shared, and where initiatives that pay attention to pride and responsibility can be executed are maintained and developed. |
- Promotion of employee health and building of motivation
- Promotion of work-life balance
- Further enhancement of HR development
- Continuous improvement of a corporate culture based on the results of employee awareness surveys
- Promotion of health measures using data analysis
- Establishment of PDCA and KPI for health management
- Promotion of initiatives for reducing overtime work
- Further adjustment of attendance management
- Implementation of measures to promote the taking of paid annual holidays
- Promotion of work styles that pay attention to productivity (free address, etc.)
- Study toward introduction of a telecommuting system
- Enhancement of in-house education and expansion of off-the-job training that fit with the career ambitions of individual employees
Diversity |
Diverse values are created in line with JSR's status as a global company and are accepted |
Promotion of employment and appointment of women and people with diverse nationalities, and development of a culture that accepts and applies different values |
- Promotion of understanding of the significance of diversity and how it applies to everyone
- Promotion of activities to spread the concepts of diversity and inclusion throughout the company
- Promotion of increases in the number of female candidates for management positions and utilization of foreign employees
- Preparation of daily life guidelines for foreign employees and provision of support for them
Supply Chain Management |
CSR/sustainable procurement is practiced throughout the entire supply chain, and JSR is contributing to the resolution of social issues in cooperation with suppliers. |
Maintenance of stable procurement and quality improvement by promoting CSR/sustainable procurement |
- Implementation of surveys based on an "expanded version of CSR/sustainable procurement" for major suppliers and 100% application of feedback
Communication with Stakeholders |
- JSR is a manufacturer that is trusted by communities
- Financial information and non-financial information are appropriately disclosed and communication with shareholders and investors is maintained.
- Promotion of social contribution activities that highlight JSR's sustainable orientation (visiting lessons, etc.)
- Promotion of communication with the communities
- Appropriate disclosure of financial information and stronger disclosure of non-financial information
- Continued implementation of visiting science lessons and lectures, etc.
- Support for discussions and active communication with plant neighbors
- Timely and appropriate information disclosure with website renewals