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Evaluation by Outside Organizations

Editorial Policy

FY :
Fiscal Year means the year ending March 31.
For example, FY2016 means April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016

Under the Corporate Mission of creating value through material innovation for the enrichment of society, people and the environment, the JSR Group aims to build and maintain good relations with all of our stakeholders and become an indispensable corporate citizen. We intend to resolve key social issues by integrating management and CSR as well as demonstrating our corporate mission with actual results.
In FY2016, we identified the priority CSR issues for the first time and focused our initiatives on the identified four priority issues. In addition, we aimed to improve the level of our CSR by increasing the transparency and validity of the identification process of the priority issues. In doing so, we have gathered opinions from various stakeholders and held dialogues with experts.
In this report, we aim to communicate our CSR activities in FY2016 to the all stakeholders based on the view organized through the dialogues.
In the online version, activities are communicated with a focus on the four priority issues of Safety and Disaster Prevention, Environmental Impact and Resource Reduction, and Climate Change Countermeasures, Sustainable Society where People Can Enjoy Health and Longevity, and Communication with Stakeholders to provide an overall view. Details including data are reported. The printed version is focuses on highlights of the activities of FY2016 with easy-to-understand descriptions.

1. CSR Report 2016: Versions

The JSR Group's CSR Report 2016 is available both in printed and online versions.

Online Version

The online version presents a comprehensive report on the JSR Group's CSR activities.

Printed Version

The printed version features highlights of JSR Group's CSR activities in FY2016.

The PDF file for the printed version is available here.

Matrix for Online and Printed Version

Other corporate information (products, services, financial information, etc.) can be found on the JSR website.

2. Referenced Guidelines

  • In accordance with the "Core" level of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines Fourth Edition (G4).
  • Environmental Accounting Guidelines for Chemical Companies, Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA)
  • Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 / Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2012, Ministry of the Environment

3. Target Period and Fiscal Year

April 01, 2015 - March 31, 2016
(Some parts of CSR Report 2016 include activities and initiatives conducted since April 2016.)

* Fiscal year means the year ending March 31.
For example, FY2016 means April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016

4. Operations Covered

JSR Corporation and 49 Group Companies, totaling 50 Companies

  • Operations for which data was collected on "Responsible Care" (the environment, health and safety)

    - Head Office, Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, Kashima Plant, Performance Polymer Research Lab., Display Materials Research Lab., Fine Electronic Materials Research Lab., Advanced Materials Research Lab., and Tsukuba Research Lab.

    - 14 domestic Group Companies and 10 overseas Group Companies*

* For information about Group companies, see asterisks ( * ) in JSR Group Companies.

5. Publication Information

Date of publication:
November 2016
Next scheduled issue:
September 2017
(Previous issue:
October 2015)