JSR feels that a healthy mind and body are extremely important for employees and their families to live happy lives. We also feel that they are imperative in the creation of a productive and vibrant workplace. Because of this, we have adopted various measures to help our employees work in good health, both mentally and physically.
JSR will advance "JSR Health Promotion" as an activity to support our work-style reform and promote health and fitness among our employees, who are the foundation of organizational activity. Incorporating two approaches in the management of employees' health—a "high-risk approach" (i.e., individual attention when an employee is ill) and a "population approach" (i.e., risk reduction/prevention for all)—we will address specific issues that include prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, ensuring that employees receive health checkups and follow-ups, and mental health. At the same time, JSR Health Insurance Society will introduce a web portal site as a tool to support efforts to maintain and promote employees' health. Looking forward, we will also work to strengthen ICT in employees' health management.
Additionally, in February 2017, we were recognized as a "White 500" enterprise under the 2017 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program,* a scheme run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Nippon Kenko Kaigi. This designation acknowledges our standing as a listed company that practices outstanding health and productivity management.
*The "Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program" examines large enterprises, SMEs and other organizations engaging in initiatives for overcoming health-related challenges in regional communities or for promoting health-conscious activities led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, and recognizes outstanding enterprises engaging in efforts for health and productivity management.
JSR supports its employee's physical health by providing general physical screenings, special examinations required by law, such as chemicals examinations and VDT screenings, lifestyle disease checkups, and gynecologic cancer examinations. Subsidies are also provided to employees who receive complete medical screenings and brain scans such as MRIs. Since 2008, the JSR Health Insurance Society has promoted lifestyle disease prevention screenings (diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity) paired with health guidance and counseling to achieve promising results. Moreover, we actively work to ensure employees' health through various means, among them providing education on ways to prevent lifestyle-related diseases through the industrial health staffs of our business sites, individual counseling at health exams, and safety and health advice through workplace visits.
Additionally, in addition to providing its own sports facilities as well as memberships in sports clubs through welfare service contracts, each JSR business site hosts sporting events, such as softball games, and bowling tournaments to improve health through physical activity and facilitate communication among employees. These programs have received positive feedback from employees who do not normally have the opportunity to participate in physical activities.
Health management center (exterior) and training room, Yokkaichi Plant
JSR athletic ground next to the Kashima Plant
The JSR Health Insurance Society organized a "Head Office Exercise Support Seminar: Health Exercises." The seminar was held with the aim of ensuring that more employees are healthy and vibrant by supporting fitness in not only our plants but also our management and sales departments. Health and exercise instructors of the JSR Health Insurance Society visited JSR's Head Office and Group companies to provide instruction on "refresh stretching" that prevents stiff shoulders and lower back pain. Many employees participated even though the instruction was provided during business hours. The results of a post-seminar questionnaire survey indicated that participants were extremely satisfied, as 90% of respondents said they found the stretching helpful. We will continue health-oriented activities for the purpose of "supporting health and fitness" and strive to implement initiatives that promote health and productivity management and help improve employee productivity.
Refresh stretching (JSR Head Office)
JSR has taken measures to improve employee mental health since the issue first began drawing attention. JSR takes a four-point approach in providing mental health support, "Check," "Organizational Analysis," "Consultation," and "Training."
Checks and organizational analysis include a biannual employee mental health JMI Health Survey conducted by JSR since FY1998. The data from these checks is used in a variety of ways. It helps individual employees understand their own mental stress levels. It also helps JSR to understand the stress levels of all employees throughout the organization. Furthermore, it is used in the implementation of various companywide policies. Since FY2012, we have been conducting web based stress diagnostics throughout the JSR domestic group. Stress diagnostics are conducted annually via our e-Stress Diagnosis System.
Consultation includes the establishment of a program to provide counseling for employees at a location of their choosing. Counseling is conducted through a third party professional, Human Frontier Counseling. This program has been established at each of the JSR domestic group companies as a part of our mental-health counseling support efforts. In efforts to provide stable and quality mental health counseling, occupational health professionals are present at all of JSR Corporation's offices and plants.
Training includes a variety of mental health care programs, such as self-care and line-care that properly reflects each level of JSR's organizational hierarchy.
JSR was recognized as one of the "White 500" enterprises under the 2017 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program, a scheme run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Nippon Kenko Kaigi. This designation acknowledges our standing as a listed company that practices outstanding health and productivity management.
The "Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program" examines large enterprises, SMEs and other organizations engaging in initiatives for overcoming health-related challenges in regional communities or for promoting health-conscious activities led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, and recognizes outstanding enterprises engaging in efforts for health and productivity management.
We were selected because we satisfied criteria in five categories pertaining to the practice of health and productivity management in the "large enterprise category"—specifically, "management philosophy (managers' awareness)," "organizational structure," "implementation of systems and measures," "evaluation and improvement," and "legal compliance and risk management"—and because we scored excellent marks in each item of METI's FY2016 Survey on Health and Productivity Management.
Seeing the health and fitness of each JSR employee as vital to better productivity, we will continue regarding employee health as a management issue and take proactive steps that include promoting measures to maintain and promote health and reexamining how our employees work.