Under the corporate mission of "Materials Innovation - We create value through materials to enrich society, people and the environment," JSR Group aims to build and maintain good relations with all of our stakeholders and become an indispensable corporate citizen. We intend to resolve social issues by integrating management and CSR as well as demonstrating our corporate mission with actual results.
In FY2016, we promoted initiatives focused on priority CSR issues that we had identified while increasing transparency and acceptability. At the start of FY2017, which is the initial fiscal year of our mid-term business plan "JSR20i9," we arranged our approach to these identified issues into three priority issues devised from the viewpoint of relevance to society. They are "Social Issues that JSR Group Can Help Resolve," "Social Issues Attributable to JSR Group's Corporate Activity," and "Basic Issues in JSR Group's Corporate Activity."
In this report, we aim to communicate our CSR activities in FY2016 to all stakeholders in an easily comprehensible way that follows the priority issues. Additionally, we have reworked our traditional "Top Message" into a dialogue between JSR's top and a CSR expert to convey our approach to sustainable medium- and long-term growth for JSR Group.
The online version gives a detailed report with data that primarily focuses on our initiatives targeting the three priority issues, with the aim being to give readers an overall picture of our CSR initiatives. As for the printed version, this fiscal year we are renaming this version the "highlight version." The highlight version provides highlights of our activities in FY2016.
FY: Fiscal Year means the year starting April 1st
For example, FY2016 means April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017
JSR Group's CSR Report 2017 is available both in an online and highlight versions.
The online version presents a comprehensive report on JSR Group's CSR activities.
The highlight version features highlights of JSR Group's CSR activities in FY2016.
The PDF file for the highlight version is available here.
Other corporate information (products, services, financial information, etc.) can be found on the JSR website.
April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017
(Some parts of CSR Report 2017 include activities and initiatives conducted since April 2017.)
* Fiscal Year means the year starting April 1st
For example, FY2016 means April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017
JSR Corporation and 50 Group Companies, totaling 51 Companies
- Head Office, Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, Kashima Plant, Performance Polymer Research Lab., Display Materials Research Lab., Fine Electronic Materials Research Lab., Advanced Materials Research Lab., and Tsukuba Research Lab.
- 14 domestic Group Companies and 10 overseas Group Companies*
(As of March 31, 2017)
* For information about Group companies, see asterisks ( * ) in JSR Group Companies.