- FY :
- Fiscal Year means the year starting April 1st.
For example, FY2016 means April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017
Under the corporate mission "Materials Innovation - We create value through materials to enrich society, people and the environment," JSR Group aims to build and maintain good relationship with all of our stakeholders and become an indispensable corporate citizen. We intend to resolve key social issues by integrating management and CSR as well as demonstrating our corporate mission with actual results.
1. CSR Structure
CSR initiatives are managed by the CSR Committee and the corresponding four specialized committees. The Corporate Ethics Committee works to establish ethical corporate behavior and enhance compliance. The Responsible Care (RC) Committee promotes sustainability by advancing responsible care. The Risk Management Committee seeks to further improve risk management systems. Finally, the Social Contribution Committee decides and promotes social contribution activities to be undertaken by JSR Group. The CSR Department is also in place to support the implementation of initiatives.
(1) JSR Group Principles of Corporate Ethics
The JSR Group Principles of Corporate Ethics stipulate our corporate code of conduct, which is necessary for fulfilling all responsibilities to our stakeholders, and which are clarified as part of our management policies, specifically Responsibility to our Customers/Business Partners, Responsibility to our Employees, Responsibility to Society, and Responsibility to Shareholders.
(2) Basic Approach to Workplace Safety, the Environment, Quality, and Product Safety
- Safety:
- Continue our record of accident- and disaster-free operations to ensure the safety of our employees and the local community as we coexist with society.
- Environment:
- Reduce environmental impact throughout our entire business cycle, from product development to product disposal, doing our part to preserve the environment.
- Quality:
- Offer quality products and services that both meet customer requirements and ensure user safety.
- Product Safety:
- Verify safety at all stages, from raw materials to finished products, protecting the health and property of all individuals involved.
(3) Basic Approach to Risk Management
- Our Group believes that preventing a major crisis from occurring and minimizing the influence of any crisis that may occur on business activities is an important role of management. The Group has established a Risk Management Committee, and actively pursues risk management activities.
(4) Basic Approach to Social Contribution
- Our Corporate Mission dictates that we make a contribution to society through our business activities. Further, we are actively engaged in fulfilling social requirements and addressing issues as a responsible member of society.
- We are continuously engaged in positive social contribution activities, capitalizing on our chemical and technological knowledge and skills that form the core of JSR's business.
- Every employee is a point of contact between the Company and society, and we actively support our employees in their voluntary participation in social contribution activities.
(5) Basic Approach to Taxes
JSR Group supports the following philosophy as provided by the CFO.
- JSR Group will comply with the taxation laws of each country in which it does business, including that regarding transfer pricing and tax havens.
2. Key Stakeholders Involved with JSR Group
JSR Group's involvement with key stakeholders is based on the understanding that everything begins from society's expectations, and JSR emphasizes dialogue with stakeholders to avoid self-serving decisions.
Management Policy - Responsibility to our stakeholders
Responsibility to our customers / business partners
When interacting with our business partners and customers, JSR Group will:
- Constantly evolve to meet the demand for new materials
- Always strive to increase customer satisfaction
- Act in good faith and maintain fair and equitable business relations
- Continue to be socially and environmentally conscious throughout the supply chain
Responsibility to our employees
All employees should expect:
- To be evaluated and rewarded based on fair standards
- Continuous opportunities to grow by challenging themselves
- Acceptance of the diversity of fellow colleagues and to be provided a place where all employees can work together as a team
Responsibility to society
All members of JSR Group will honor our responsibility to both the local and global communities through:
- Responsible and respectful business practices (Responsible Care) that consider the environment and safety
- Support of environmental conservation by providing eco-friendly products
- Reduction of our environmental impact throughout the entire product lifecycle
- Active contribution to conserving biodiversity throughout its business activities and the entire product lifecycle
Responsibility to shareholders
Group will maintain its responsibility to its shareholders by:
- Aiming to increase corporate value by creating business opportunities through materials
- Constantly enhancing its management efficiencies
- Inspiring trust by being highly transparent and conducting sound corporate management practices
(1) CSR Awareness-Raising Measures
To promote the company's CSR activities and responsible care activities to all employees, JSR Group organizes RC & CSR explanatory briefings. Every year, the officers in charge and other managers visit each plant and group company to report the results of RC and CSR activities and share upcoming issues. Additionally, we have been bringing the CSR Explanatory Briefings program to overseas Group companies since FY2015. We also hold CSR Report Presentation meetings every year at each site for all domestic divisions, including Group companies. Each department reads the CSR reports to prepare for the creation of CSR goals for the following year and analyze the impact of their department on society. The CSR Department analyzes the philosophies of each workplace and provides feedback to employees as part of their CSR activities.