The JSR Group is rapidly expanding its various business activities around the world, and we believe that harnessing diverse human resources is crucial for the advancement of our wide-ranging business strategies. We view the promotion of diversity as a fundamental part of our management strategy. In taking this approach, we are engaged in developing management that is focused on individualism and the respect for, and utilization of values through diversity. Furthermore, a corporate culture which is welcoming of new values and work styles is instrumental in our goals of creating a diverse workplace. We are committed to promoting these ideals with our work-life management initiatives.
The Diversity Development Office was established as an independent department, directly under the President. This decision was based on recommendations made by the Women's Leadership Development Task Force, implemented in 2014, who articulated the need for a department dedicated to the acceleration and promotion of diversity. The mission of the Diversity Development Office is to establish and implement initiatives which enable diversity in the workforce. In addition to our emphasis on gender equality initiatives, the JSR Group shows its commitment to the future by expanding the scope of our initiatives to include foreign nationals, individuals with disabilities, and individuals in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT community). Furthermore, our initiatives also include intergenerational work-style and mindset understanding programs.
As a part of our mid-term business plan, JSR has publicly announced our quantitative goals for the active support of our female employees. We have also developed an action plan to promote and support the lives of working women within JSR, based on and in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Women's Act). The Women's Acts' first phase is set for April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2018. These goals demonstrate our management's commitment in achieving understanding and cooperation throughout the organization.
JSR has also publically announced each of our action plans to nurture and raise the next generation of children. These plans are based the Act on Advancement of Measure to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (Next-Generation Act), which has been in effect since April 2005. The sixth phase of which is set for March 31, 2016 to March 31, 2018. Throughout the first five phases we continued to establish, notify, publically disclose, raise awareness of, and implement our action plan in accordance with the Next-Generation Act.
Women's Act - Action Plan
Next-Generation Act - Action Plan
Target | FY2016* | FY2017* | |
Percentage of women hired annually per position | College graduates, engineering positions: 15-20% |
9% | 15% |
College graduates, administrative position: 40-50% |
33% | 60% | |
Percentage of women in managerial positions | March, 2020: 8% | 3.8% | 3.6% |
* As of April 1st of each fiscal year
Refer to the page on Work-Life Management
The following programs are held with special consideration for female employees, and managers, in order to increase female employees ownership of their career development at JSR.
Furthermore, seminars which educate males in managerial positions about female employee's career development are held annually.
We were selected as a 2016 Nadeshiko Brand initiative by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), in recognition of our efforts to advance women in the workforce, and our support of a health work-life balance.
As part of the Nadeshiko Brand selection process, companies' efforts in the promotion of female career advancement and betterment of work-life balance are evaluated. Regarding the promotion of female career advancement, we have held various seminars in which female employees and management collaborated to increase their understanding of career advancement.
We have also started an initiative through which female employees, who are candidates for management positions, work together with their supervisors to clarify, establish, and implement career-development and skill-enhancement plans.
In addition to conforming to legal regulations regarding working hours, in 2006 we implemented a Work from Home initiative as a part of our continuing efforts in supporting a healthy work-life balance. We have also implemented systems which ensure employees smooth return to work after extended childcare leave by offering consultations with supervisors, and reinstating full benefits for workers who have returned to work for six months.
The JSR Group is rapidly expanding its various business activities around the world, and we believe that harnessing diverse human resources is crucial for the advancement of our wide-ranging business strategies. To JSR, diversity expands beyond providing support for female employees, extending through our dedication to creating a corporate culture that values and respects individuality and diversity in the workforce.
* The Nadeshiko Brand Initiative aims to distinguish companies that show outstanding support for women in the workplace, in order to elevate their investment status in the market place, and propel their corporate values over the mid and long-term. Ultimately, the goal of the Nadeshiko Brand Initiativeis to accelerate the adoption of women support initiatives throughout Japan This year, enterprises listed in the first and second sections of the TSE, TSE Mothers and JASDAQ were evaluated on the basis of management level staffs commitment and actual performance regarding female career advancement and the promotion of a healthy work-life balance. In FY2015, A total of 45 companies were selected.
JSR instituted its Career Re-Entry System to enable employees who voluntarily left JSR and the workforce due to marriage, childbirth, nursing care responsibilities, the transfer of a spouse, or other personal reasons to register for rehire in accordance with company needs and the former employee's desires.
Status | FY2012 | FY2013 | FY2014 | FY2015 | FY2016 |
Registered | 5 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 4 |
Rehired | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
In FY2016, JSR launched its Global Human Resources Team. As the JSR Group continues to expand globally, we saw the need to craft a human resources management system with the ability to support the developing human resource needs of the JSR Group on a global scale. Through the planning of a next-generation global management training program and the strengthening of our human resources networks at domestic and international levels, we are exploring systems that will expand the managerial pools at our overseas subsidiaries to further include local staff members.
Looking towards the future, JSR is researching methods of international inter-company human resource exchanges. As a part of our push to globalize the employees at JSR Corporation, we have been working on diversifying our hiring efforts by hiring foreign nationals, as well as taking in dispatch employees from our overseas subsidiaries.
Objectives | Results | ||
Increase the number of foreign nationals at JSR | Foreign nationals hired | 9 | Hired by JSR between FY2015 and FY2017 |
Enhance international dispatch training methods | International research opportunities | 12 | Results for FY2015 through FY2017 |
Short term culture & language learning opportunities in China and the U.S. | 31 | Results for FY2015 through FY2017 | |
Management required for the securement of a global workforce
- Training and development of promising personnel in foreign offices. - Human resource development that supports overseas group companies. |
Long-term research opportunities in Japan for employees of overseas group companies. | 3 | Joined JSR between FY2015 and FY2017 |
JSR has systems in place that enables employees who have reached the mandatory retirement age to stay in the JSR workforce. Prior to retirement, employees complete a survey concerning their desire to continue employment. Those who wish to continue working are re-employed.
As of march 31, 2015, JSR's employment rate of individuals with disabilities was 2.23% (the statutory employment rate is 2.0%). By discussing their strengths, and the details of their disability, we are able to find a work style that best suits each employee's situation. Although there are still few employees with disabilities working in areas where hazardous materials are handled, such as manufacturing and research laboratories, we are working on ways to ensure safety while expanding employment opportunities.
Employee Breakdown | Male | Female | Total | |
Employees (Total) | 2,824 | 468 | 3,292 | |
New hires | Recent graduates*1 | 83 | 6 | 89 |
Mid-career hires | 62 | 8 | 70 | |
Average no. of years of continues employment | 13.2 | 14.2 | 13.3 |
*1 Employees hired on April 01, 2015
By FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Percentage of employees who left JSR within three years | 2.2 | 6.7 | 6.3 | 4.2 | 3.4 |
Percentage of employees with disabilities*2 | 1.84 | 1.96 | 2.19 | 2.28 | 2.23 |
*2 As of March 31st of each fiscal year.
Japan | Asian (Japan excluded) | United States | Europe |
70% | 20% | 8% | 2% |