As part of our efforts to create a sustainable global environment and society, and to integrate management and CSR, we identified and disclosed JSR Group CSR priority issues in the CSR Report for the first time in FY2016.
During this fiscal year, we have focused on the following four priority issues: Safety and Disaster Prevention, Energy Saving, Resource Saving and Climate Change Countermeasures, Sustainable Society where People Can Enjoy Health and Longevity, and Communication with Stakeholders. We aimed to improve the level of our CSR by increasing the transparency and validity of the identification process of the priority issues. In doing so, we have held dialogues with experts in FY2016 as well. Discussions between senior management directly involved in our CSR efforts and various experts enables the entire JSR Group to reaffirm the importance of implementing CSR through business. This process also helps to advance our information disclosure for our many stakeholders.
Going forward, we plan to incorporate new priority issues as well as corresponding advice and opinions identified and discussed during these meetings into future activity plans.
Discussions between senior management directly involved in our CSR and various experts were held to increase the transparency and plausibility of the identification process of the priority issues.
The entire JSR Group reaffirmed the importance of implementing CSR through business through dialogues with experts and the exchange of opinions with our overseas Group companies.