- FY :
- Fiscal Year means the year ending March 31.
For example, FY2016 means April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016
1. Basic Philosophy
The JSR Group has formed biodiversity policies based on issues identified through conservation activities conducted in the past. We are currently promoting various activities in accordance with these policies.
2. JSR Group Biodiversity Policies
To contribute to the establishment of a sustainable society, the JSR Group strives to identify how our business activities depend on and impact biodiversity, and to promote efforts in consideration of biodiversity.
- We prioritize biodiversity conservation in procuring naturally derived raw and processed materials.
- We work to make the green spaces of our business establishments biodiversity-friendly.
- We strive to develop biodiversity-friendly products.
- We emphasize staff engagement and cooperation with local communities.
Policy Formulation Process
Utilizing the JBIB*1 Business and Biodiversity Interrelationship Map, we have clarified how our business activities depend on and impact biodiversity. We have since established JSR Group Biodiversity Policies on the basis of this clarification.
*1 JBIB = Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity.
Business and Biodiversity Interrelationship Map - Synthetic Rubber's Dependency and Impact on Ecosystems
3. Activity Progress Status
(1) Policy 1 - We prioritize biodiversity conservation in procuring naturally derived raw and processed materials.
1. Investigation to clarify the naturally derived raw materials that may have an impact on biodiversity.
We discovered that there were no items among main raw materials, but there were some such items in some auxiliary raw materials. We conducted an investigation to determine the impact of these materials. We found no impact at this time. We will continue to conduct similar investigations when using raw materials that may have an impact.
2. Sustainable Paper Usage
While not a main raw material, paper is used for copies, publications, envelopes, and packaging material. As such, the JSR Group is working toward sustainable paper use and has always participated in the Consortium for Sustainable Paper Use*, which was established to increase the use of sustainable paper in society. We promote activities throughout the Group that prioritize the procurement of business-use paper made primarily from used paper, or paper with FSC or other forest sustainability certifications in accordance with the JSR Group Paper Procurement Guidelines, which were established in FY2014 to promote forest sustainability.
In FY2016, we have changed some company envelopes to FSC-certified paper.
(2) Policy 2 - We work to make the green spaces of our business establishments biodiversity-friendly.
By FY2015, we were able to improve green spaces at our 3 domestic plants and the Tsukuba Research Laboratories based on the Green Space Improvement Plan that we created with the cooperation of experts as well as using the results of a green space survey conducted in accordance with the JBIB Guidelines for Sustainable Business Sites. Each office is continuing to conduct similar activities independently.
Yokkaichi Plant |
Overview of Activities |
- Green space developed as based on the 5-year plan to improve conservation of biodiversity at plant sites (FY2014-FY2018)
- Green space developed in the vicinity of company housing with regard to biodiversity
FY2016 Activities |
- Installation of commentary plaques and observation decks in green space areas
- Planting of food plants to attract butterflies
- Green space observation through work experience provided to junior high school students
Future Activity Plans |
- Further utilization of green space at plant sites with regard to biodiversity
- Promotion of plants designed in cooperation with local government with regard to biodiversity
- Development of nonnative species into local species
- Expansion of commentary plaques
 Commentary plaque
Morikayama Company Housing Ecosystem Potential at Yokkaichi Plant
Chiba Plant |
Overview of Activities |
- Green space was developed with regard to biodiversity at the entrance of the Relaxation Garden that is part of the green space at the plant site. This space serves to make employees and their families more aware of biodiversity.
FY2016 Activities |
- Conducted a survey of the living things inhabiting a company's green spaces
- Held a woodworking class for employee families in which thinning materials from the Relaxation Garden were used
- Built a beetle house and established a habitat for beetles and held events for employees and their families
Future Activity Plans |
- More surveys of the living things inhabiting the company's green spaces

Observation of beetles in the beetle house in the Relaxation Garden
Kashima Plant |
Overview of Activities |
- Green space at the plant site was used to build a pond that recreates the local ecosystem. This space serves to make local residents as well as employees and their families more aware of biodiversity.
FY2016 Activities |
- Further development of the pond built in FY2015 (planting of waterside and other plants nearby)
- Removal of nonnative plants
- Planting of fruit trees
Future Activity Plans |
- Improvement of the JBIB Land Use Score Report
- Further removal of nonnative plants
- Management and maintenance of green space developed with regard to biodiversity
 Wild rabbits that inhabit the green space at the Kashima Plant
 Removing specific nonnative plants (Coreopsis lanceolata)
Tsukuba Research Laboratories |
Overview of Activities |
- Establishment of a biodiversity promotion area and improvements based on the JBIB Land Use Score Report
FY2016 Activities |
- Consideration of animal habitats and migration patterns
Built bird nests and a bird house to provide a natural habitat and observation of the birds living in this habitat
Maintenance of unpaved roads as a migration path for animals
- Periodic monitoring of indicator organisms
- Creation of a system to perform periodic monitoring of nonnative species to prevent/remove nonnative species as necessary
- Employee participation
Biannual environmental training for employees utilizing green space at offices
Future Activity Plans |
- Continuation of existing activities
 A nature observation tour of the biodiversity promotion area at Tsukuba Research Laboratories
(3) Policy 3 - We strive to develop biodiversity-friendly products.
We are incorporating and promoting environmentally friendly product standards.
(4) Policy 4 - We emphasize staff engagement and cooperation with local communities.
We hold various events at our offices as part of our business activities.