We promote our work-life management initiative, a practice of organizing one's life to achieve a balance between work and private activities, to help employees not only develop work-related skills but also actively participate in communal and private activities (e.g., social and community groups, family, volunteer, self-development, and hobbies) and become well-rounded individuals, achieve higher self-fulfillment and satisfaction, and tap into such resources in their work.
To achieve this goal, we encourage each employee to closely manage their personal time and maintain a regular work schedule. We also have in place various system to support flexible work styles and measures to assist them in balancing work with having and raising children and caring for elderly family members.
Because this work-life management is essential element of diversity management that seeks to create an organization with a diverse workforce, we will promote the work-life management initiative alongside activities to promote diversity with the aim to develop an organizational atmosphere that is open to diverse values and various styles of working.
Employees can take six weeks of leave prior to childbirth and eight weeks after birth. The Mutual Aid Association provides 50% of the employee's base salary for the first five days of leave.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees utilizing this benefit (total) | 23 | 25 | 23 | 14 | 15 |
Employees can take leave until children are 18 months old.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees utilizing this benefit (total) | 24 (19 women, 5 men) |
28 (24 women, 4 men) |
25 (22 women, 3 men) |
21 (15 women, 6 men) |
20 (18 women, 2 men) |
Upon request by employees taking child-care leave, an interview is conducted between the employee and his or her supervisor to allay concerns and resolve issues between them as well as to facilitate the employee's return to work.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees utilizing this benefit (total) | 10 | 14 | 19 | 17 | 13 |
Employees engaged in child rearing may reduce their working hours up to two hours per day, and employees providing nursing care to a family member may reduce their working hours to four hours per day.
Eligible employees: pregnant employees, employees with children up to three years of age, employees in dual-earner households with a child in third grade or below, and employees providing nursing care to a family member.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees utilizing this benefit (total) | 62 (child-care 59,nursing-care 3) |
69 (child-care 67,nursing-care 2) |
74 (child-care 73,nursing-care 1) |
79 (child-care 79,nursing-care 0) |
80 (child-care 77,nursing-care 3) |
Employees can work from home one day per week.
Eligible employees: pregnant employees, employees in dual-earner households with a child of elementary school age or younger and employees providing nursing care to a family member.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees utilizing this benefit (total) | 10 (child-care 9,nursing-care 1) |
12 (child-care 9,nursing-care 3) |
12 (child-care 9,nursing-care 3) |
12 (child-care 12,nursing-care 0) |
11 (child-care 11,nursing-care 0) |
Employees can take up to 10 days of leave annually to provide nursing care and accompany family members to the hospital, medical examinations, vaccinations, etc.
Employees can reduce their working hours by up to four hours a day, or by up to 44 hours a month, to receive fertility treatments while they perform their work duties.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees utilizing this benefit (total) | — | — | — | 0 | 0 |
Childcare and Nursing Work-family Balance Guidebook
JSR distributes a guidebook that describes the various internal and external support programs for employees engaged in child rearing and family care.
Employees on child-care leave receive 50% of their base salary and a salary adjustment for the first five days of leave.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees on this program (total) | 23 | 27 | 27 | 21 | 18 |
Employees who return to work following maternity leave or child-care leave of at least one month receive a grant of 200,000 yen per child following the completion of six months' continuous service.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees on this program (total) | 24 | 10 | 19 | 19 | 23 |
Employees are reimbursed half the cost of daycare on working days in cases where both parents work.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees on this program (total) | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 2 |
Employees can take up to 20 days of leave annually to provide nursing care for family members and up to 24 months of extended leave of absence.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees utilizing this benefit (total) | 4 (leave 4,extended leave 0) |
4 (leave 4,extended leave 0) |
1 (leave 1,extended leave 0) |
2 (leave 2,extended leave 0) |
1 (leave 1,extended leave 0) |
Employees on maternity leave, child-care leave, or nursing-care leave may borrow a mobile device that enables them to access the internal network from home.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees utilizing this benefit (total) | 8 | 9 | 7 | 4 | 3 |
Next Generation Accreditation Mark "Kurumin"
In August 2007 and April 2012, JSR acquired the Next Generation Accreditation Mark (nicknamed "Kurumin") certified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Employees can take up to five days of paid leave a year if social contribution activities require taking time off from work.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Number of employees utilizing this benefit (total) | 4 (7 total days taken) |
134 (470 total days taken) |
3 (8 total days taken) |
4 (10 total days taken) |
3 (5 total days taken) |
* The leave taken by earthquake disaster recovery volunteers is included in the FY2012 figure.
Applies to employees in research positions.
FY | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
No. of people | 446 | 464 | 104 | 107 | 103 |
*Last year's report contained errors regarding fiscal year notation which has been edited and corrected.
*Number of employees listed applies to the date of April 1 for each fiscal year.
JSR provides a flextime benefit with no core-time requirement for non-shift employees. (Since 1996)
The JSR Group has taken various measures to help its employees work in good health, both mentally and physically.
Employee softball game
As measures to assist employees’ physical health, JSR carries out general physical examinations, special physical examinations, lifestyle-related disease checkups and gynecological examinations. We also provide corporate sports facilities and fitness club memberships to support employees in improving their health.
Since FY2009 the JSR Health Insurance Society has led the implementation of metabolic syndrome checkups and individual health guidance for employees who require active support, which has achieved positive results in helping to prevent lifestyle-related diseases.
Additionally, to improve health through physical activities and facilitate communication among employees, each of JSR’s business sites hosts sporting events such as softball games and bowling, and has received positive feedback, even from employees who normally have few chances to exercise, in appreciation of the opportunity to partake in such physical activities.
Exercise-at-work session
We conducted exercise assistance seminars at the Chiba Plant, Tsukuba Research Laboratories, and the Kashima Plant. A total of 111 employees joined these seminars in FY2015.
With the intent to motivate employees to integrate exercise into their daily routines, we used these seminars as a fun way to teach employees how to follow along with "Radio Taiso" (radio exercise), how to walk fast as a form of exercise, tips on exercise-at-work activities, how to lose weight and explain basic concepts of vascular aging.
Mrs. Anja, manager, and Mr. Bart, plant manager (from left to right)
The Health Plan at JSR Micro N.V. in Belgium won the grand prize at NV Gezond, an event sponsored by the local government in Flanders, Belgium to promote health activities in business.
The Health Compass is the foundation of this project in which employees voluntarily participate to measure and improve their health indicators. 80 employees participated last year and received medical advice from industrial physicians. Other health-related activities include participation in the Leuven City Beach Volleyball Tournament and providing fresh fruit at workplaces.
At the same time, JSR has taken measures to improve employees’ mental health since the issue of workers’ mental health first began drawing attention.
Since FY1999, JSR has been conducting a biennial JMI Health Survey on mental health not only to help individual employees understand their own mental stress condition but also to understand the stress conditions of employees across the company, and uses the data to implement various measures.
Prior to the revision of the Industrial Safety and Health Act, we have been conducting stress diagnostics since FY2013 at our domestic group companies. These stress diagnostics are conducted using our e-Stress Diagnosis System, a Web-based annual stress diagnosis system, as a replacement of the JMI survey.
JSR has established a program to provide counseling for employees at a location of their choice through the external agency, Human Frontier Counseling. This counseling service has been established in domestic group companies as a contact for mental counseling.
JSR has worked to enhance its corporate culture into a free and disciplined one. Among our Courses of Action "the four Cs," the "Cultivation" support program aims to help managers and subordinates develop together as individuals and as members of productive, supportive teams by promoting communication between them, and encouraging managers to provide their subordinates with more opportunities to think on their own through work and responsibility. The program includes an "OJT promotion activity" to communicate to employees the basic idea and attitude toward OJT through diagnostic tools and training, and communication enhancement activities to create opportunities to talk directly with one another.
We introduced a biannual employee awards program. The "Nice Support Award" is granted to employees who have played a significant role in the smooth performance of organizational work by steadily carrying out their tasks and working behind the scenes, and the "Nice Try Award" is given to those who have contributed to creating a corporate culture in which employees are willing to take on new challenges without fear of failure.
<Results for 1st Half FY2015>
Nice Support Award: 97 employees
Nice Try Award: 92 employees
<Results for 2nd Half FY2015>
Nice Support Award: 96 employees
Nice Try Award: 94 employees
Every three years since FY2005 we have conducted surveys on employee awareness to monitor employee satisfaction with the company and the workplace as well as motivation towards work. We then provide all employees with feedback on the survey results and use the results when implementing policies and designing programs. In FY2011, we added corporate mission, diversity, and work-life management to the list of items for assessing employee understanding and awareness, and are now using the results to better promote these areas. The next survey will be conducted in FY2017.
The JSR Workers Union is an organization formed by JSR employees. All permanent employees are members of the union (including regular and assigned employees) based on the union membership contract.
JSR holds a labor agreement with the JSR Workers Union based on the principles of trust and integrity.
In negotiations between management and the labor union, the president and directors in charge of individual business segments carry out repeated discussions with the labor union to exchange opinions with QA sessions from all levels of employees and work locations regarding the operating environment, business conditions, major company policies, and labor union activities. In doing so the company strives to maintain healthy relations with employees through a deepening of mutual understanding and trust regarding workplace environments, safety, important company policies, and labor union activities.