Improving communication to deepen relationships with stakeholders and become an indispensable benefit to society.
Aichi Prefectural Asahigaoka Senior High School visiting our facility
Responsibilities to our stakeholders defined by the JSR Group management policies include:
We will continue to deepen mutual understanding with stakeholders and live up to their expectations. It is also our desire to create new values to society through cooperation and communication with stakeholders.
The JSR Group supply chain management has a unique feature of a chemicals manufacturer supplying materials to various industries and supporting society. Specifically, that is our ability to deliver products of discernible quality to our customers reliably and without interruption.
Supply chain management is specific to each of our businesses and so is different between the Petrochemical Products Business and the Fine Chemicals Business or the strategic businesses. Our CSR procurement policy states that when making purchases, JSR will give sufficient consideration to legal and regulatory compliance, resource protection, environmental conservation, safety, human rights, biodiversity, and other factors that lead to a sustainable society. With business partner and customer understanding, and through communication, mutual understanding, and cooperation, we can continue engaging in effective initiatives.
Though we do not directly use raw materials associated with conflict minerals, we have been conducting investigations since FY2015 on these matters as catalysts used in our manufacturing processes contain trace amounts of metals.
Meetings with our business partners
We must quickly discover and resolve any violations of laws or corporate ethics, or related suspicious behavior that occur during the course of business with partners. We have established a third-party supplier hotline to provide consultation assistance and a reporting channel to business partners.
We also employ business continuity management (BCM) practices to manage resources to mitigate supply risk by having multiple suppliers. We also have a strict inventory management system in place based on business plans to prevent production from being halted in the event where supplies of required raw materials is temporarily run out.
Supply chain management is an essential component of passive CSR. We constantly look for ways to improve its effectiveness in efforts to create new value through Materials Innovation in the entire value chain.
Children enjoying a game
Air game featuring Konyudo-kun, the Yokkaichi City’s mascot
The Yokkaichi Plant holds a "JSR Harmony Festa" every year to bring the JSR Group and their families together with residents in the local area. Over 1,700 people attended the event in FY2015, and this event has become a local custom.
Activities included brass band performances by the local junior high school bands, a giant air game featuring Konyudo-kun, the Yokkaichi City’s mascot character, workshops to paint Banko-yaki, Yokkaichi’s specialty china product, and workshops to create unique "Hinaga" fans. These unique events and careful planning ensured that everyone from small children to the elderly enjoyed the event.
As a member of this local society, the JSR Group cherishes and looks forward to more opportunities to interact with the local area.
Donation of tablets to neighboring elementary schools (JSR Micro Taiwan Co., Ltd.)
Special lecture at the University of Japan given by employees (Chiba Plant)
The JSR Group supports the education of children and students through utilization of employee knowledge on chemistry. Educational activities include science classes for elementary and high school students provided by 3 plants and our head office, providing internships to university students at the Yokkaichi Plant and the head office, and providing teacher training opportunities at 3 plants and the head office.
JSR Micro Taiwan Co., Ltd., one of our overseas offices, provides tablets and books on the environment to neighboring elementary schools.
US-based Techno Polymer America, Inc. has joined the Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE) to provide support to local Detroit students majoring in plastics engineering.
Students from the Aichi Prefectural Asahigaoka Senior High School, which is designated as one of the schools in the Super Global High School program by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology started in FY2015, visited our head office
Cleaning Highway 16 (Chiba Plant)
The JSR Group continues to help with local clean-up activities at domestic and overseas offices and plants.
Donating articles and goods to children's welfare facilities (JSR Micro Korea Co., Ltd.)
The Yokkaichi Plant participated in the "Memory School Bag Gifting→ School bags (Randoseru) for Children in Afghanistan" event held by JOICFP, a Japanese NGO, from 2014.
Through the event, we donated unused school bags for use by underprivileged children, particularly girls, in Afghanistan.
We also collect foreign coins from employees at the JSR head office, Yokkaichi Plant, and Tsukuba Research Laboratories and donate to the Unicef Change for Good program. Unicef uses these foreign coins to protect the lives, health, and rights of children in developing countries.
JSR Micro Korea Co., Ltd. collects and distributes articles and goods to local children's welfare facilities and offers consolation services. They also attend the local bi-annual senior citizens celebration.
Award ceremony (JSR Micro N.V.)
The Health Plan promoted by Belgium-based JSR Micro N.V. received the NV Gezond Award, an event sponsored by the local government in Flanders, Belgium to promote health activities in business.
The Health Compass is the foundation of this project in which employees voluntarily participate to have various health indicators measured and work toward improvement. 80 employees participated last year and received medical advice from industrial physicians.
Other health-related activities include participation in the Beach Volleyball Tournament in Leuven City where JSR Micro N.V. is located and providing fresh fruit at workplaces.