The JSR Group Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the criteria by which our business activities are evaluated as we progress towards actualization of the "Materials Innovation" corporate mission. Fulfilling our CSR is, therefore, a critical management priority.
This report serves to communicate with our stakeholders regarding the JSR Group policies and initiatives we have set in motion toward a sustainable society.
The FY2015 Report clarifies the E2 InitiativeTM, which represents our approach, corporate mission, and key business activities to develop a sustainable global environment. The report also clarifies CSR priority issues and introduces some of our current initiatives to resolve these priority issues. We also describe the process used to identify the priority issues.
The JSR Group's CSR Report 2015 is available both in printed and online versions.
The online version presents a comprehensive report on the JSR Group's CSR activities. Details, including the printed version report as well as other various data, are presented.
The printed version features CSR activities in the JSR Group that we would particularly like to communicate to our stakeholders. This version also provides the highlights of our previous fiscal year's activities.
The PDF file for the printed version is available here.
Other corporate information (products, services, financial information, etc.) can be found on the JSR website.
April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015
(Some parts of the CSR Report 2015 include activities and initiatives conducted since April 2015.)
*Fiscal year means year ending March 31
JSR Corporation and 50 Group Companies
· Head Office, Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, Kashima Plant, Performance Polymer Research Lab., Display Materials Research Lab., Fine Electronic Materials Research Lab., Advanced Materials Research Lab., Technical Development Office of the Precision Processing Group, and Tsukuba Research Lab.
· 14 domestic Group Companies and 11 overseas Group Companies*
*For information about Group companies, see the asterisks (*) in JSR Group Companies.