Materials Innovation to Solve Global Problems
Feature Article 2: Dialogue with Society
What the JSR Group Needs to Do
to Continue to Step up Its CSR Initiatives
to Continue to Step up Its CSR Initiatives
In the face of an increasing number of global issues, what mindset and actions are necessary for the JSR Group to expand its business while fulfilling its social responsibilities?
In this section, we report on the dialogue and exchange of opinions that took place when three external experts joined us to discuss the issues that the JSR Group needs to address in order to step up its CSR initiatives.
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2013 Place: JSR Roppongi Club

Itaru Yasui, PhD
Former Vice-Rector of United Nations University and Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo (Professor of the Institute of Industrial Science; former Director of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST)). He has been working for the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE) in the areas of inorganic material chemistry, environmental science, and industry-university cooperative research since April 2009. Dr. Yasui is currently a member of the Central Environment Council, the Ministry of the Environment, and an expert panel member of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, the Cabinet Office. He is also the author of many books, including “Kagaku-de nani-ga wakaruka” (“What does chemistry reveal?”) (The Chemical Daily Co., Ltd.) and “Bankruptcy of the Earth” (Japanese Standards Association).

Naoki Adachi, PhD
CEO of Response Ability, Inc. Studied ecology at the Faculty of Science and the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo, and obtained a doctoral degree in science. After working for the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), he started his career as an independent consultant. Public posts he has held include: Executive Director of the Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity (JBIB); a standing committee member of the Ecological Society of Japan; a member of the Committee on Biodiversity Private Sector Activities Guidelines, the Ministr y of the Environment; and a member of the Committee for Promoting Conservation and Other Efforts Regarding Biodiversity in Economic Society, the Ministry of the Environment.

Ms. Ayako Sonoda
President, Cre-en Inc. Graduated from the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Letters, Konan University. Worked for an advertising agency and Recruit Eizo Co., Ltd. Before establishing Cre-en Inc. in 1988. Since then, Ms. Sonoda has provided CSR consulting service and planned and produced CSR reports for approximately 450 companies. She is also currently chief executive of Sustainabilit y Forum Japan; director of Social Investment Forum Japan (SIF-Japan); and an executive committee member of the Social innovator Koshien Committee of 300.

Koichi Kawasaki
Managing Officer
Safety and Environmental Affairs

Hayato Hirano
Director and Officer

Takao Shimizu
Corporate Planning

Tatsuya Kubo
General Manager
CSR Department