Material Flow Management
Environmental Impact of Business Activities
JSR strives to reduce its environmental impact by generating and closely analyzing input data (including use of energy, water resources, and chemical substances), as well as output data (including solid waste and emissions into the atmosphere and hydrosphere).

Approaches to LCA & LCI
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) refers to the quantitative assessment of the total impact a product has on the environment throughout its lifecycle, from the procurement of raw materials to the manufacture, sale, use, and disposal of the product. The calculation of inventory data pertaining to input resources and the environmental impact of waste produced during the manufacturing of the product (LCI data) are required when carrying out an LCA.
The entire synthetic rubber industry teamed together to define how to compute LCA data for notable synthetic rubber materials. Needless to say, JSR was also actively involved. The computation results are registered in the database of the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI) LCA Forum. LCI data for fine chemical products also allows us to determine the amount of CO2 emitted during production processes.
We have started to operate systems that enable us to apply LCA at the R&D stage and factor CO2 emissions data into the product design process. We have implemented LCA for about 70 product groups (100 main grades) (as of March 1, 2013). We will expand the LCA analysis for newly developed product groups and grades as well.