- 1. Philosophy
- (1) Promotion Items and Policy
- (2) International Initiatives
- 2. RC Advancement Structure
- 3. Environment and Safety Management
- (1) Compliance
- (2) Environmental Management System
- (3) Industrial Health and Safety Management System
- (4) Environment and Safety Audits
- (5) Environment Distinguished Service Award
- 4. Policy on Chemical Management
- 5. Stakeholder Engagement
Dialogue with employees, local communities, customers, and shareholders - 6. Disclosure of Legal and Regulatory Violations
1. Philosophy
JSR Group developed its Environment Safety Management Policy promotion items with reference to "Management Policies - Responsibility to Our Stakeholders" and the Japan Chemical Industry Association's "Guiding Principles for the Improvement of Environmental, Safety and Health Conditions." We use these items as the basis for formulating concrete activity plans and advancing our RC activities.
(1) Promotion Items and Policy
1) Development of Safety-Focused and Environmentally-Friendly Products
When developing new products, JSR Group evaluates the environmental, safety and health impact at every stage from research and development to production, transport, use and disposal, and makes the utmost effort to provide products that take such evaluations into consideration.
2) Provide Safety and Environmental Information Related to Products
JSR Group sets in place a system for the management of product-related safety and environmental information, and provides Safety Data Sheets (SDS)*1 to customers and yellow cards*2 to transporters as necessary.
3) Preserve the Environment and Assure safety for Local Communities
JSR Group takes a positive approach in its measures for preserving the global environment, facility safety, and protection against major earthquakes, taking into consideration the impact its business activities have on the environment. JSR Group's objective is to earn even greater trust at its business locations.
4) Reduce Environmental Impact
JSR Group conducts studies on the environmental impact of chemical substances and works toward the systematic reduction of emissions. JSR Group engages in thorough efforts to reduce sources of emissions, reuse materials, and recycle resources in order to reduce environmental impact.
5) Assure Safety and Environmental Preservation in International Operations
JSR Group cooperates with cross-border transfers of environmental and safety technologies. Regarding corporate activities overseas, JSR Group strictly complies with the regulations of Japan and other nations, and makes every effort to assure safety and environmental compliance at each operating site outside Japan.
6) Ensure Employee Health and Safety
Constantly at work on the pre-assessment of safety matters related to chemical substances and their handling, JSR Group is dedicated to improving operations and facilities, and to creating a healthy and safe workplace environment.
*1 Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a document that contains information for the safe handling of chemical products. To ensure the safe handling of chemical substances and prevent accidents, the Industrial Safety and Health Act requires the provision of information when transferring or supplying a chemical substance. One way of doing this is by issuing a document (SDS) that notes the hazardous qualities of the chemical substance in question.
*2 Yellow Card
This is an “emergency contact card” that accompanies a hazardous material or product when it is shipped on land. Containing information on measures to take if an accident occurs, it is intended as a means of comprehensively ensuring safety in the transport of hazardous materials. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Jikan No. 48 of February 18, 1997) and the Fire and Disaster Management Agency direct that a yellow card must be carried when moving hazardous materials.
(2) International Initiatives
JSR Signs Declaration Supporting RC Global Charter

Declaration of support for RC Global Charter
The Responsible Care (RC) Global Charter is a voluntary activity policy adopted by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and shared by the chemical industry to enhance and reinforce RC activities around the world. JSR subscribes to this activity policy, and signed a declaration supporting the RC Global Charter in October 2008. JSR has also signed the revised RC Global Charter in March 2015. By signing the declaration, JSR has committed itself to making even greater contributions to health, safety, and environmental preservation not just in Japan, but around the world.
2. RC Advancement Structure
Led by the officer in charge of safety and environmental affairs, the Responsible Care Promotion Committee formulates activity policies and action plans concerning JSR Group’s environmental safety, product safety, chemical management, and other matters and manages the results of those activities.
For the execution of concrete operations, the Responsible Care Promotion Committee sets up various meetings and committees and then proceeds according to plans.
Additionally, decisions made by the Responsible Care Promotion Committee are periodically presented to the CSR Committee and are also reported to senior management.

3. Environment and Safety Management
(1) Compliance
When environmental and safety laws are adopted, enacted, or amended, the Head Office distributes information to each business site to keep them fully informed. JSR Group identifies laws and regulations requiring compliance in each country based on compliance regulations and conducts annual self-checks to ensure that business practices conform with laws and regulations.
Additionally, we actively advance efforts to have all plants acquire plant and operator certification under the High-Pressure Gas Safety Act, the Fire Service Act, and Industrial Safety and Health Act. We will continue to maintain and upgrade certifications with the aim of improving safety and preventing accidents.
Certification | JSR Plant | Date of certification renewal |
High Pressure Gas Safety Act Certification Inspector (Completion, Safety) | Yokkaichi Plant | September 2015 |
Kashima Plant | March 2016 | |
Chiba Plant | March 2017 | |
Fire Service Act Test at Completion of Hazardous Materials Facility Upgrade | Yokkaichi Plant | March 2016 |
Kashima Plant | March 2016 | |
Chiba Plant | June 2017 | |
Industrial Safety and Health Act Test of Class 1 Pressure Vessel Operation Certification of Open Inspection Frequency of Boilers, etc. | Yokkaichi Plant | March 2018 |
Kashima Plant | January 2017 | |
Chiba Plant | March 2018 |
Certified High-Pressure Gas Establishment Audits
Each year, we conduct headquarters-led audits of our certified plants—the Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, and Kashima Plant—as a certified high-pressure gas business. Through our FY2018 audits, we confirmed that all of our certified plants continue to be in compliance with our safety management system. We also audit Group companies that are certified high pressure gas establishments, and provide cooperation in the appropriate operation of their safety management system.
- Chemical and Product Safety
- Health and Safety Initiatives: Accident Prevention and Industrial Health and Safety
(2) Environmental Management System
By 1999, all three main domestic JSR plants had acquired ISO 14001 certification, an Environment Management System that supports environmental management. We have kept our certifications up to date each year since. We proceeded with preparations in response to ISO 14001 revisions that were released in September 2015 and brought all three of our plants in line with them by January 2018.
JSR Group companies, mainly manufacturing companies, have also obtained ISO certification, and are promoting environmental conservation activities using a management system that complies with the ISO14001 standard.
ISO 14001 Certification
Japan (9 companies, 16 business establishments) | International (8 companies, 8 business establishments) |
JSR Corporation Japan Coloring Co., Ltd. Techno-UMG Co., Ltd. JSR Engineering Co., Ltd. Elastomix Co., Ltd. JSR Micro Kyushu Co., Ltd. Emulsion Technology, Co., Ltd. JM Energy Corporation JSR Logistics & Customer Center Co., Ltd. |
Elastomix (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Thailand) JSR Micro Korea Co., Ltd. (South Korea) JSR Micro, Inc. (United States) JSR Micro N.V. (Belgium) JSR BST Elastomer Co., Ltd. (Thailand) JSR Micro Taiwan Co., Ltd. (Taiwan) Elastomix (Foshan) Co., Ltd. (China) PT Elastomix Indonesia (Indonesia) |
(3) Industrial Health and Safety Management System
JSR builds and manages a health and safety system that is based on the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS). The system is designed to manage the industrial health and safety risks to employees and others concerned, continuously improve our industrial health and safety systems, and reduce workplace accidents and health disorders.
(4) Environment and Safety Audits
1) Headquarters Environment and Safety Audits
JSR Headquarters conducts annual audits of its plants and research laboratories with the president acting as head of the auditing team. Beginning with the audits of FY2015, we have been employing a style whereby we share and discuss issues challenges faced by audited departments. We also set up dialogues between top management and employees that serve as opportunities for sharing the two sides’ thoughts and stimulating environmental and safety activities.
Through the FY2018 audits, we confirmed that awareness of “safety first” is penetrating throughout the organization. We further confirmed that efforts targeting facility management and recruitment of environmental safety personnel, which were previously identified issues, are progressing. However, common issues include inadequate sharing of risk information and adjustment of assessment levels, and expectations for better clarification in terms of envisioning and responding to emergency situations. It should be noted that we are also extracting and providing suggestions for matters to be presented to senior management and the head office through audits. Priority issues for FY2018 audits will be i ) management of risks concerning accidents (fires and leaks) and ii ) efforts to prevent unsafe behaviors as well as compliance with laws relating to the environment and chemicals.
President Koshiba visiting a plant
A dialogue with President Koshiba
A top-level audit
2) Environment and Safety Audits in JSR Group Companies
At JSR, we implement environmental and safety audits using the JSR audit system at our Group companies in Japan that are involved in production, transportation, and engineering processes in order to achieve integrated Responsible Care activities. The audits have allowed us to verify activities in each company and share information on them.
In addition, given differences in laws, cultures, and customs that exist in each country, we did not conduct audits of overseas Group companies in FY2018 but instead visited them to hold “safety information exchange” meetings. This was done with consideration for the fact that the challenges and concerns each business establishment faces differ from those in Japan.
We also held EHS (Environment, Health & Safety) meetings in Japan with JSR Micro Inc. and JSR Micro NV.
Audited Dept. of FY2018 Headquarters Environment and Safety Audits | |
JSR (plants) | Yokkaichi Plant, Chiba Plant, Kashima Plant |
JSR Group companies (in Japan) | Japan Butyl, Elastomix, JSR Engineering, Emulsion Technology, Kraton JSR Elastomers, JSR Life Sciences Corporation, JSR Micro Kyushu, Japan Coloring, JM Energy |
Department of Overseas Group Company Holding Safety Information Exchange in FY2018 | |
JSR Group companies (overseas) | Elastomix Indonesia, Elastomix (Thailand), Elastomix (Foshan) |
A safety information exchange with an overseas Group company
Hands-on safety training in an EHS meeting
(5) Environment Distinguished Service Award
To further encourage environmental protection activities, we created the Environment Merit Award for employees who have made important contributions to environmental protection through a range of activities that include environmental product and technology development, environmental impact reduction, and assisting local communities with environment-related issues. Ten employees received this award for four areas of excellence in FY2018.
Business establishment | Description |
Yokkaichi Plant | Reduction of emissions of hazardous air pollutants by closing drain work. |
Yokkaichi Plant | Prevention of colored wastewater discharges by introducing colorimeters |
Chiba Plant | Control of butadiene releases to the air from gas tanks |
Yokkaichi Plant | Reduction of wastewater odors from the plant |
4. Policy on Chemical Management
In light of recent global trends in chemical management, JSR has established the following three policies in its environment and safety management organization.
- 1) Instead of hazard-based management,*3 we will endeavor to implement risk-based management.*4
- 2) We will strive to manage our entire supply chain by utilizing a globally standardized method.
- 3) We will strive to comply with regulations and promote self-motivated initiatives to ensure the safety of our products.
*3 Management based solely on the hazardous properties of substances
*4 Management based on exposure to the hazardous properties of substances
5. Stakeholder Engagement
By applying the PDCA cycle based on dialogue with our various stakeholders, we identify new issues, make frequent improvements and responses, and contribute to the building of a better society. Please access the links for more details.
- Employees:
- Employee awareness surveys, activities to ensure penetration of the Corporate Mission, the CSR & RC Caravan program, etc.
- Local communities:
- Social contribution/regional contribution activities, regional dialogue meetings, etc.
- Customers:
- Customer satisfaction surveys, responses to CSR questionnaires, winning of awards, etc.
- Shareholders:
- Shareholders' meetings, communication with shareholders and investors, information disclosure, etc.
6. Disclosure of Legal and Regulatory Violations
There were no legal or regulatory violations of laws pertaining to the environment, safety, quality, product safety, or chemicals in FY2018.
We are working to prevent recurrence of the types of cases that occurred in the past by continuing preventative measures and providing periodic education on those cases.
What is RC?
RC is an acronym for Responsible Care®. In the chemical industry, each company handling chemical substances is responsible for ensuring that safety, health, and environmental issues are addressed throughout the chemical lifecycle, from development and production to distribution, use and disposal, publishing the results of their activities and maintaining dialogue and communication with society - all voluntarily. This initiative is called "Responsible Care."
Started in Canada in 1985, Responsible Care is practiced in the chemical industries of 58 countries and regions of the world (as of April 2015). It has attracted considerable international attention as a unique initiative of a type not seen in other industries, and is even encouraged in an action plan (Agenda 21) for implementation by countries and related international organizations to achieve sustainable development in the 21st century that was adopted at the “Earth Summit” (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992.