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CSR Report 2012

JSR Group Initiatives to Conserve Biodiversity

Identifying the Dependence and Impact of Our Business Activities on Biodiversity

To identify how our business activities depend and impact on biodiversity, we reviewed the relationships between JSR and biodiversity, with reference to the Business & Biodiversity Interrelationship Map developed by the Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity (JBIB). The map illustrates how business activities are dependent on ecological services and how the activities have impact on biodiversity in each process of "raw material procurement," "development and production," "transport and sales," "use and maintenance," "collection and recycling," and "land use." We formulated our version of the map for synthetic rubbers in FY2011 (April 1, 2010 to March 31 2011), and for fine chemicals in FY2012 (April 1, 2011 to March 31 2012).

This revealed that particularly important problems for JSR Group's business activities were "raw material procurement" and "land use at business establishments." For other processes, we will promote necessary measures, especially environmental efforts and the E2 Initiative™.

Business & Biodiversity Interrelationship Map (synthetic rubbers) (Larger view is available in the online version of the CSR Report.)

Business & Biodiversity Interrelationship Map (synthetic rubbers) (Larger view is available in the online version of the CSR Report.)

Investigation on Raw Material Procurement

The investigation on the procurement of raw materials used by the JSR Group has revealed that in both the business segments of petrochemicals and fine chemicals, some of the raw materials, though small in quantity, are naturally derived ones that cannot be replaced with any other materials.

Assessment of Land Use at Business Establishments

Utilizing the Land Use Score Report of the Guidelines for Promoting Business Establishments in Harmony with Living Things, developed by JBIB, we are carrying out an assessment of biodiversity at the sites of our business establishments. We made such an assessment in FY2011 at the Chiba Plant and Tsukuba Research Laboratories, as well as in FY2012 at the Yokkaichi Plant, the Chiba Plant, the Kashima Plant, Tsukuba Research Laboratories, and JSR Micro Kyushu Co., Ltd. At the assessment, we made an actual observation of the site of the relevant business establishment, checked the size of its green spaces, the vegetation, and the types of insects and birds inhabiting the site, and determined the level of consideration to biodiversity.

As a result, it was found that while due consideration was paid to the water cycle at each of the business establishments, as was indicated by the effective use of rainwater, low scores tended to show regarding the formation of an ecosystem network with the soil that supports the green spaces and vegetation, and also with the surrounding environment. The JSR Group had never assessed the sites of our business establishments from these points of view. Based on the results of the FY2012 assessment, we would like to conduct an assessment every year. By making effective use of the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle, we strive to increase our scores gradually.

Summary of Investigation Results

(1) It was found that the green spaces at the business establishments (in compliance to the Factory Location Act, etc.) were extensive enough to contribute to biodiversity.
(2) However, no maintenance or management with consideration given to the conservation of biodiversity are currently provided.
(3) Based on the above two points, we will carry out maintenance and management with consideration given to the conservation of biodiversity, with particular emphasis on the green spaces extensive enough to contribute to biodiversity.

Assessment at the business establishments Assessment at the business establishments
Hisao Igarashi,

Hisao Igarashi
Administration Team
Tsukuba Research Laboratories

Utilizing the Land Use Score Report and the Living Things Monitoring Sheet, we assessed our green spaces from the perspective of biodiversity. These tools were easy to use even for those without special expertise, like ourselves. The assessment results enabled us to identify points to be improved regarding our green spaces. These points have been promptly reflected into our FY2013 plan, and we are currently working on the reduction of the use of herbicides and other efforts.

Forming Our Biodiversity Policies

We have formed biodiversity policies identifying problems revealed by the efforts we have made so far.
The policies serve as the basis for the promotion of specific efforts in the future.

JSR Group's Biodiversity Policies

To contribute to the establishment of a sustainable society, the JSR Group strives to identify how our business activities depend on and impact biodiversity, and to promote efforts with consideration to biodiversity.

1. We prioritize biodiversity conservation in procuring naturally derived raw and processed materials.
2. We work to make the green spaces of our business establishments biodiversity-friendly.
3. We strive to develop of biodiversity-friendly products.
4. We emphasize engagement of our staff and cooperation with local communities.

* 3 and 4 will be taken up at full speed after FY2015.

Lectures Provided by JSR Outside the Company

Lecture at the Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association

Seminar held by the Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association

A lecture titled "JSR's Efforts for Biodiversity" was provided at a seminar held by the Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association with the title "Perspective Essential to Future Business – Biodiversity and Companies." Explained in the lecture was our preparation of the Business & Biodiversity Interrelationship Map to analyze the dependence and impact of our synthetic rubbers on biodiversity, as well as the use of the Land Use Score Report and the Living Things Monitoring Sheet to assess the green spaces of some of JSR's business establishments, and investigate the ecosystem at the sites of the establishments. The explanation was followed by an active Q&A session.

Story of biology told by a corporation Part 5

Story of biology told by a corporation Part 5

A member of JSR Tsukuba Research Laboratories delivered a lecture at a sectional meeting of the Story of biology told by a corporation Part 5. This is Japan’s most established symposium on biodiversity for companies. With the theme "Usability of Promotion Tools from the Perspective of Managers," he shared the knowledge gained at Tsukuba Research Laboratories through an investigation in which the Guidelines for Promoting Business Establishments in Harmony with Living Things was used. He also explained JSR’s active efforts regarding biodiversity..

Tatsuya Kubo, General Manager, CSR Department

Tatsuya Kubo
General Manager
CSR Department

We recognize that the conservation of biodiversity is one of the important social problems to be dealt with by companies. The conservation of biodiversity tends to be thought of as the preservation of endangered species. This type of social contribution is, of course, significant. As a business operator, however, we would like to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity through our business activities. For the time being, we will continue to promote efforts with emphasis on consideration to biodiversity at the phase of material procurement, and on the improvement of green spaces at our business establishments. Through these activities, we hope to be able to contribute as much as possible to the enhancement of the sustainability of the earth. We would also like to promote cooperation with many more business partners and other local companies.


CSR Report 2012