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CSR Management

The JSR Group mission is to contribute to the realization of a more prosperous society through our business activities. In this process, it is important that we act with integrity as a good corporate citizen and live up to the trust that our stakeholders place in us. Our Group CSR represents the initiatives we employ to successfully achieve our mission and as such we view CSR as a key management issue.

Corporate Philosophy and Management Policies

Basic Approach to Corporate Ethics

●Contribution and Responsibility to Society:
Obey the law, and conduct business activities as a responsible member of society; contribute to the betterment of society as a good corporate citizen. Furthermore, strive to conserve the environment and ensure safety; co-exist with society.
●Trusted Management:
Provide appropriate and timely disclosure of information to shareholders; engage in highly transparent management, and increase corporate value, continually earning the trust of our shareholders.
●Services and Responsibilities to Customers and Other Business Partners:
Interact in good faith with all business partners, maintaining fair and equitable relations while providing high-quality services.
●Respect for the Individual:
Respect employees as individuals, ensuring a discrimination-free, safe and comfortable work environment.
●Relations with the Company:
It is our responsibility to all of our stakeholders to be vigilant against damage to corporate value in any form, including intangible factors, such as societal trust and corporate character.

Management Policies related to Workplace Safety, the Environment, Quality, and Product Safety

●Workplace Safety:
Continue our record of accident- and disaster-free operations, ensuring the safety of our employees and the local community, as we coexist with society.
Reduce environmental impact throughout our entire business cycle?from product development to product disposal?doing our part to preserve the environment.
Offer quality products and services that both meet customer requirements and ensure user safety.
●Product Safety:
Verify safety at all stages?from raw materials tofinished product?protecting the health and property of all individuals involved.

Basic Approach to Risk Management

  • Our Group believes that preventing a major crisis from occuring and minimizing its effect on business activities is an important role of management. The Group has established a Risk Management Committee, and actively pursues risk management activities.

Basic Approach to Social Contribution

  • Our Corporate Philosophy dictates that we make a contribution to society through our business activities. Further, as a responsible member of society, we are actively engaged in providing solutions to society’s requirements and issues.
  • We are continuously engaged in positive social contribution activities, capitalizing on our “chemical/technological” knowledge and skills that form the core of the JSR business.
  • Every employee is a point of contact between the Company and society. We actively support our employees in their voluntary participation in social contribution activities.
Participating in the United Nations Global Compact


On April 14, 2009, the JSR Group became a participant in the Global Compact policy advocated by the United Nations. Amidst increasing calls for corporate social responsibility, further consideration is required of firms engaged in business activities on a global scale in respect to human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption, as expressed in the ten principles of the Global Compact. We consider joining the Global Compact to be a proclamation for acting responsibly in the international community, and we intend to work hard to proactively execute our ““corporate social responsibility.”

The Ten Principles (United Nations Global Compact)
(1) Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
(2) make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
(3) Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
(4) the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
(5) the effective abolition of child labour; and
(6) the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
(7) Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
(8) undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
(9) encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
(10) Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Key Stakeholders Involved with the JSR Group

Based on the understanding that everything begins from society’s expectations, JSR emphasizes dialogue with stakeholders to avoid making self-serving decisions.

System to Promote CSR

The JSR Group reorganized its system to promote CSR in June 2008. The Group works to improve initiatives as a whole, having established a CSR Department to support CSR advancement as well as the following four committees: the Corporate Ethics Committee, which works to establish corporate ethics and prevent misconduct; the Responsible Care Committee, which aims to achieve a sustainable society by advancing “responsible care;” the Risk Management Committee, which seeks to further improve risk management systems; and the Social Contribution Committee, which examines and advances the social contribution activities in which the Group ought to engage.

Measures to Raise Awareness at Group Companies

JSR held CSR Report Presentations at each worksite of all divisions in Japan, including group companies, and distributed the JSR Group CSR Handbook as part of efforts to raise awareness of CSR throughout the Group.

CSR Handbook
CSR Handbook CSR Report Presentation
CSR Report Presentation
[OPINION]CSR Report Presentation

Nobuhiko Kuwashima/Business Coordination & Planning Department/Techno Polymer Co., Ltd.
Nobuhiko Kuwashima
Business Coordination & Planning Department
Techno Polymer Co., Ltd.

The presentation was an excellent opportunity for each employee to gain a new appreciation of what CSR is and what we have to do. I feel that if further presentation meetings were held, rather than just one, CSR would become more familiar to employees and awareness of JSR’s activities would spread.

Extending CSR to the Supply Chain

A CSR briefing at Sanbo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
A CSR briefing at Sanbo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

In FY2010 (April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010), we investigated the systems necessary for CSR procurement so we can implement CSR not only within the JSR Group, but throughout the entire supply chain. We also made visits to some suppliers and conducted briefings on CSR. We hope to fully implement CSR procurement in FY2011.

[OPINION]Participant in a CSR Briefing

Manager, General Affairs Division/Sanbo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
Manager, General Affairs Division
Sanbo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

I am grateful to JSR for explaining the content of its CSR activities. The briefing served to correct some misunderstandings that I had and raised my appreciation of the significance of CSR. I felt that the discussion of personal experiences was particularly meaningful for us as we move ahead with our own CSR activities.

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CSR Report 2010 Menu CSR Report 2010 Home Executive Commitment Highlights Feature Article 1: Manufacturing Linked to the Future Feature Article 2: Discussion on Diversity Management CSR Management Targets and Results Corporate Governance Corporate Ethics and Legal Compliance Risk Management RC (RC (Environment, Health, and Safety) ReportHighlights of RC (Environment, Health, and Safety) ActivitiesRC (Environment, Health, and Safety) Management Material Flow Management Initiatives to Prevent Global Warming Effective Use of Resources Initiatives to Reduce Environmental ImpactSafety Initiatives RC Activities by Group Companies Social Report Highlights of Social Contribution Activities Employee Relations Our Policy Concerning Customer Relations Shareholders and Investor Relations Our Policy Regarding Relations with Communities and Society Third Party Opinion / Independent Review